Harry's Escape

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Christmas came and went. I was still slipping information to the Order, but I was now able to do so less and less due to my presence being requested by Voldemort for patrolling the ministry. Voldemort was much more secretive than the order and I had ever thought or anticipated, because even the Death Eaters had no idea about most of his plans until they were finally included in them.

Snape was suspicious of me, but having a soft spot for Draco, and I thought seeing him spend most of his time clung to my side made him keep his mouth shut.

I continued to visit Fred every chance I got, even if only for a few minutes. Sometimes I would even get the opportunity to give George a hug.

Luna Lovegood was imprisoned at the Manor because of her fathers political dissidence. Shortly after her Dean Thomas and a goblin named Griphook were also captured and put into the dungeons. This was bad because my food rations had to be cut a considerable amount to ensure that the amount of food I took was not suspicious. Fred clearly noticed, because every time I snuck over to him he would force feed me as much food as humanly possible.

February Thirteenth, Luna's birthday. I remembered because her father used to send her obnoxious singing birthday cards, that could be heard from the Slytherin table. I stuffed a cookie into a small bag, alongside a necklace I plucked out of my jewelry box. I haven't been wearing necklaces because I still had my ring on a chain discretely tucked away under my shirt, which happened to be my only sense of true comfort while staying at the manor.

I carefully crept downstairs and into the basement dungeons under my invisibility cloak. To my greatest relief, I did not see any Death Eaters lurking around the halls while making my way down the narrow corridor to the dungeons.


I whispered, a bright light illuminating the dark and musky dungeon. I could see Luna curled up in a corner, and humming to herself.

Happy birthday to you...

It was barely audible, but it still fell on my ears like a deafening crash. My heart ached for the poor girl, celebrating the start of her adulthood in a dungeon.

"Happy birthday Luna." I said, as she turned around to face me.

In the darkness I could see tear stains lining her usually plump cheeks, which were now sunken in, the light blush she usually carried now completely gone.

I stretched out the small baggie with her cookie and necklace.

"It isn't much, but I reckoned it's better than nothing." I tried my hardest to let out a warm smile.

Luna too began to break into a smile. She slowly stood up and walked over to me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank you Y/n." She mumbled into my shirt.

"You'll get out of here. I promise." I said softly, gently stroking her matted and unkempt hair.

We stood there for a moment, and I could feel Dean and Ollivander's eyes on us. Griphook was fast asleep, his snores echoing through the chambers.

"I need to go now, I hope you like your present." I said, as Luna finally took the gift.

She nodded a thank you, and I threw on my cloak, going upstairs.


I heard a commotion outside , and to my horror I discovered Harry, Ron, and Hermione dragged in by Fenrir Greyback, who had been allowed Death Eater robes in exchange for the violence and brute strength he provided, and Scabior, a low level snatcher. Harry's face was badly swollen and bruised, making him barely recognisable. Next to them stood Narcissa, an unreadable expression on her face.

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