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I had taken Friday off work, and forced Fred to do the same. I packed our things into two backpacks, along with food and water. When packing a tent, Fred managed to fall off the chair and on top of me. I'm surprised he didn't break any of my bones. For a guy that skinny, he sure was heavy.

I rented a car from the village near the burrow in advance, getting a good deal from some village grandma.

Fred and I loaded into the small car, which was an old brown Ford Cortina with worn down faux white leather seats, and a large steering wheel.

"I call driving!" Fred yelled, jumping into the drivers seat.

"Do you even know how to drive a muggle car?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"I drove the car dad enchanted before, how different are they really?" He asked, turning the key in ignition.

"Traffic laws." I shrugged. "Oh well, if we get pulled over I'll just obliviate their memory."

"That's my girl!" Fred chortled, casually placing his hand on my thigh, unknowingly giving me butterflies.

We drove along a winding forested mountain road, with the windows open, letting in warm summer air.

"Hey Freddie, guess what?" I asked, reaching into my bag.

"Chicken butt?" Fred chuckled at his stupid joke.

"ROAD SNACKS!" I yelled, pulling out a pack of twizzlers.

"What are those?" Fred asked, side eying the red liquorice sticks.

"Muggle candy." I grinned, tearing the package open. "Hermione gave me some once, so when renting the car I also went out of my way to find these."

"Did you hex them by chance?"

"No, now try some!" I giggled, placing a twizzler in Fred's mouth.

He chewed so lowly at first, but ended up cramming the whole thing in his mouth witching a second.

"Thith ith thooo goof!" Fred said, the twizzler muffling his speech.

Just as he said that, the car did a swerve and I was forced to quickly grab hold and straighten out the steering wheel. The car nose swerved back on the road, straightening out, narrowly missing a great big pine tree.

"Eyes on the road doofus." I said, my hand lingering on the steering wheel as though it was about to swerve again.

"I was driving fine." Fred whined.

"You almost drove us into a tree!"

"You distracted me!"

"Do you want me to drive instead?" I threatened him.

"No, I like driving." Fred pouted, and looked back onto the road, but not before grabbing another twizzler.


"So what is the end goal of this anyways?" Fred asked, as we were hiking up a large stretch of Rocky Mountain.

"To get to camp by nightfall." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"But why do we even need to go there?" He grumbled, wiping away beads of sweat off his forehead.

"Because I thought it would be fun." I smiled, and walked onwards.

"You are a madwoman." Fred groaned, and continued to trudge behind me.


"Whoa." Fred gasped as we stopped at our camp. "You were right, this place is gorgeous!"

I simply laughed in response, observing the look of pure enchanting wonder on Freddie's face. The dim light of the setting sun playing with the gold flakes in his eyes, and making his smile seem all the brighter.

Suddenly, Fred dropped his things and charged at me, picking me up and twirling me in the air. Now we were both laughing and twirling in the sunset.

"Let's take a picture," I said, "Accio camera."

A small camera flew out of my backpack and into my hand. I pulled Fred close to me and placed a kiss on his cheek, a loud snap emitting from the camera as I did so. A little image slowly ejected from the top of the camera. Fred had stuck out his tongue while my face was in a very awkward position.

"Can I keep it?" Fred asked, taking the small photograph.

"Why? It's terrible!" I giggled.

"Well that's what's so bloody brilliant about it!" He laughed pocketing it. "Besides, we have the rest of our lives for good photographs."

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