The Burrow

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Mrs Weasley greeted me after I entered into the burrow.

"Oh, my poor child!" She exclaimed loudly, and rushed up to me pulling me into a tight hug as soon as I placed my suitcases down.

I felt tears creeping into my eyes, painfully aware at the fact that it wasn't my mother hugging me, but rather the bubbly Mrs. Weasley. I hugged her back, and started to involuntarily sob into her shoulder. My shoulders began shaking violently, and I couldn't suppress the guttural emotion that has been building up inside me for the past school months. Mrs. Weasley held me tight, and I could see through my tears the whole Weasley family looking at me. Their stares made me sob even harder, but I noticed my tears wetting Mrs. Weasley's blouse, so I pull away.

"Sorry about that." I croaked quietly, tears still running down my cheeks.

I wiped my cheeks with my sleeve, getting it soaked almost immediately.

"Fred go show her to Charlie's old room." Mrs. Weasley hissed at Fred, who was awkwardly shifting from foot to foot, unsure as to what to do next.

He picked up my things and led me up the stairs. He opened the door and revealed a quaint little room with a desk sitting in front of a large window. On one side of this desk was a medium sized bed with an old oak bed frame. The walls had an old and worn out beige wallpaper on them, peeling off on the corners. The floorboards were scraped and clearly worn down. There was a small fireplace in the corner
of the room, and a wardrobe at the foot of the bed.

Fred placed my suitcases down and closed the door behind him, stepping into the small room next to me. I felt his arms wrap tightly around me, and held me silently.

I pulled his head down to mine and pressed my lips into his, tears rolling harder down my cheeks. Fred was caught by surprise, but kissed back nonetheless. I pulled away and ripped off my shirt. Fred quickly looked at my bare chest, before looking back at me.

"Y/n..." His breathing grew more rapid, and I could see him gulping down.

I grabbed both of his hands placing them on my breasts and cupping them there, moving his hands using my own.

"I want you to make love to me." I said, trying to feign confidence.

"No." He whispered, shaking his head.

"Why? Am I not good enough? Isn't this what you want?" I looked into Fred's eyes, which were staring directly into mine, refusing to look down.

They were filled with softness and care. No matter how hard I searched I couldn't see lust or frustration. The golden flakes in his eyes twinkled softly, the warmth radiating from them encapsulating me whole.

"Of course I want this, and I want you..." Fred stepped closer to me, gently pulling his hands away from my chest, placing them on my cheeks. "But I can tell you don't want this right now. You're not in the right emotional space to consent. We have plenty of time to do this later." He responded pulling me into a warm hug, and I began to sob into his sweater, still shirtless.

"I love you." I heard Fred whisper softly.

The Weasleys sat at the dinner table not uttering a word, only the sound of forks and knives lightly clashing with the plates.

"I have news." Percy cleared his throat. "I'm sure father has heard, but I have just been promoted in the ministry. Meet the new Junior Minister of Magic." He puffed his chest out in pride.

"Why did Fudge promote you?" Arthur Weasley asked.

"He said I'm one of the hardest workers he's ever met, and that I have a bright future ahead of me." Percy beamed with pride, but Arthur's expression reflected a hint of sadness.

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