Unexpected Fruit

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I visited Fred shortly after Harry's escape. The interaction was mostly physical, with few words exchanged. There was no need for them. We both understood we were standing on a precipice, cornered by all of life's evils. We both knew that any words of comfort were empty and meaningless. It was useless to think otherwise.


A searing pain ran through my stomach, making me bolt up and run to the bathroom. It was the third day in a row that I have been waking up early and expelling the little food had in my system into the toilet bowl.

I can't be...

I froze in shock, wiping my bottom lip. That couldn't be... Fred and I had used protection, we always did. I shakily grabbed my wand and raised it to my stomach.

I whispered a common pregnancy test spell, only to see it flash a green light.

My blood ran cold. I couldn't tell Fred, because he would try to do something rash, if Voldemort found out, he would kill me and the baby, and I didn't know for how long can I hide this.

I walked back into my room and sat down on my bed. It felt cold and uninviting, almost like it wanted me out.

A small knock echoed on my door. I recognized it as Draco.

"Come in." I said feebly.

Draco closed the door behind him and scuttled over into my arm chair, plopping his weight down into it.

"Are you ok?" He asked, clearly noticing my distress.

"Draco," I started, unable to stop myself, "I need your help."

I cast a quick silencing charm over the room.

Draco looked at me and nodded.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered, feeling a tear forming in my eye, and dropping down my cheek. "It's Freddie's."

I pulled out the chain on which my wedding ring hung.

Draco stood up, and for a moment I thought he would storm out, but instead he walked over to me l, and wrapped his arms around me.

"How can I help?" Draco muttered, trying his best to comfort me.

"If the pregnancy is found out, can you pretend to be the father?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Ok." He swallowed a visible lump in his throat.

"Thank you Draco." I said, wrapping my arms around him, burying my head in his shoulder, desperately clinging onto the little comfort I had.


Voldemort managed to get Dumbledores wand, and was now trying to find Harry, who was more wanted than ever. I heard through Arthur that Tonks had given birth to little Teddy Lupin. I wasn't able to visit Fred, which I thought was for the better, as I didn't want to spill my secret yet.

Meanwhile I was trying my hardest to hide that anything was wrong. It's difficult to hide fear in a house where the residents feed off it.


Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook broke into Gringotts, and managed to escape on a dragon. They managed to steal something important to Voldemort, and so he stationed us all at Hogsmeade. He was expecting Harry to return to Hogwarts.

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