Second Generation Twins

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Hey Freddie,

Me again. Your mum insisted I stay with your family throughout my pregnancy. Our baby boys have been born, today, December Eleventh, 1998. They look just like you and George, and even have the same differences. I named them Fred and George Jr's after you. I know you would love to see them, so I enclosed a small picture of them at the bottom of this letter. George hasn't been able to put little Freddie down since I let him hold the boy. He misses you a lot. For the first five months of your absence he would break down crying at the slightest joke made around him by anyone. He really has been taking this hard. Today was the first time I have seen him smile since May. I miss you too. I miss you so much that it makes me sick to my stomach. It's been really hard waking up without you by my side, but sometimes I can almost feel your arm drape around my shoulder, or slither around my waist while I miss you especially hard. I like to believe it's you coming to pay me a visit, rather than my mind playing tricks on me. Tell Lupin and Tonks that little Teddy is doing great, and even started to clumsily waddle around. Ginny and Harry are now in a committed relationship, and will eventually get married, I think. Once our babies get a little older I'll start work again, although I still have much of my parents fortune, so I don't actually need to. I'll move back to our old flat above your joke shop soon. I'm a little nervous because I haven't been in there since the last time I was there with you. I hope you're doing good wherever you are. That's about all I have to say. I'll write again sometime.

With love from the very bottom of my heart,

-Y/n Weasley

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