The World Cup

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I stood on the balcony linking to my room, leaning on the marble pillars, breathing in the night air and looking at the stars. Suddenly I see the silhouette of an owl, flying in spirals towards me, and as it got closer I recognize poor old Errol. He crashed onto my balcony, luckily doing so in the decorative bush near the entrance inside, softening his landing. I rush over to the poor bird, to pick him up and carry him inside. On his leg was attached a small letter addressed from Fred. I carefully untie the letter from Errol's foot and put him next to Honey's (my own owls) water and food bowls.

I tear open the envelope and find a note scribbled in barely legible handwriting that took me a few moments to decipher.

Hey y/n, our parents just copped some tickets to the quidditch World Cup and they let us invite you. We got the top box overlooking the whole stadium. Bulgaria vs Ireland! I already know it's a yes, we're picking you up tomorrow by the floo, and after we'll need to grab Harry as well. See you soon,
Love, -Fred

I smile and look over at Errol, who was now hungrily eating Honey's dinner. I quickly scribble down a one sentence response and give it to Honey.

Great, I can't wait! -Y/n

Darling can you make sure to deliver this letter and Errol back to the Weasley house? I give her the letter, and not waiting for a response rush down the stairs to inform my parents.


I looked myself over in the mirror, smoothing over my shirt.

I stared at my h/l h/c hair, running my fingers through it. Would Fred think I look pretty? He probably wouldn't notice the effort I put into my hair...

My fireplace roared up, and Mr. Weasley popped out.

"Oh, y/n, so good to see you!" He clears his throat. "Are you ready to go?"

"I've been ready since 7 am." I giggle.

"Stay safe!" My mother kisses me on the cheek, and I step into the flame with Mr. Weasley.

We get transported into a small cramped space, and I feel Fred and George next to me.

"Oh hey y/n, fancy seeing you here." Fred chuckled, as I was pressed into him by George and Me. Weasley.

"Mr. Weasley, it's Harry... the fireplace has been blocked up, you won't be able to get through here." Harry said from across the wall.

"Damn, why on earth would they want to board their fire place up for?" Mr. Weasley swore.

They've got an electric fire," Harry explained.

"Really?" said Mr. Weasley's voice excitedly. "Eclectic, you say? With a plug? Gracious, I must see that....Let's think...Ouch, Ron!"

Ron now squished in on top of Fred, George, and I.

"What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?"

"Oh no, Ron," Fred said, very sarcastically. "No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up."

"Yeah, we're having the time of our lives here," said George, who was now being nearly suffocated between Mr. Weasley, Ron, Fred, and I.

"Boys, boys..." said Mr. Weasley vaguely. "I'm trying to think what to do....Yes...only way...Stand back, Harry."


The electric fire shot across the room as the boarded-up fireplace burst outward, expelling all of us in a cloud of rubble and loose chippings. I fell on top of Fred, who softened my landing. The woman who I'm assuming was Petunia shrieked and fell backward over the coffee table; An angry looking heavy set man caught her before she hit the floor, and gaped, speechless, at us.

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