Knock on Wood

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Oliver Wood was the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, and despite having major distrust towards the Slytherin house as a whole, didn't seem to mind me as much. I knew this fact because he was fine rambling about the quidditch game to the twins while I was with them. Although I reckoned I should be flattered that he trusted me enough to talk about quidditch plans next to me, sometimes I really did wish he treated me like the other Slytherins. Sitting in the library next to him rapidly explaining the strategy to the twins was one of those times.
I sat in the chair next to Oliver, watching him animatedly wave his arms trying to explain something about his new bludger technique to the gingers in front of us. Fred and George looked really bored, and I could see Fred gritting his teeth with every mention of his name.
Suddenly I felt a little idea pop into my head. I reached out my head and gently knocked on Oliver's head. He gave me a weird look, but said nothing and continued with his rant. I gave another little knock, making him turn towards me.

"What are you doing Cheshire?" He groaned, irritated that his monologue was cut short.

"Knocking on wood." I giggled, giving him another knock. "It's for good luck."

George and Fred bursted out laughing, and quickly leaped towards Oliver.

"Guys wha-" Oliver's yell of surprise was cut short by the twins aggressively knocking on his head.

"KEEP IT DOWN!" A stern voice yelled behind us.

Madam Pince stood behind us frowning.

"Out, the four of you." She crossed her arms. "I expected better from you Miss Cheshire."

George, Fred, and I left the library snickering, while Oliver looked very irritated.

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