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As soon I exited the Slytherin house, Fred and George appeared on both sides of me.

"So did you figure out how to make it?" George asked excitedly, throwing his arm around me.

"Yeah, there are multiple ways of making it." I replied, shooting the twins a sly smile.

"How?" They inquired simultaneously.

"Well, they can be woven from the hair of a Demiguise, or by putting on a strong bedazzling hex or disillusionment charm over an ordinary travelling cloak." The twins high-five each other.

"Our best bet is trying the hex, because I don't think I want to learn weaving for this." Fred and George nodded. "Not to mention getting the hair of a Demiguise is one hell of a task."

"It's really useful having a Slytherin amongst us isn't it, George?" Fred jested, playfully hitting my shoulder.

"You know, it really is Fred." George laughed in response.

"Guys, our next trip to Hogsmeade, and I need you boys to purchase an extra large travelling cloak. I'll have to stay back to try and learn the spell so that I can go unnoticed while doing so. I'll give you the money to pay for it." I gave them a light smack on their stomachs, causing both of them to jokingly fall back and start dramatically whimpering.

Once we reached the dining hall, I plopped myself down next to Fred and George at the Gryffindor table. Professor McGonagall shot me a stern look but said nothing. She used to give us warnings about sitting at the wrong tables, but gave up around midway through our third year. Every day we've alternated between which of our house tables we sat at. Depending on our mood we either sat at Slytherin or Gryffindor, and there hasn't been a single day where we sat separately. We looked over to the golden trio, Fred and George's little brother, Ron, stuffing his face only seconds after the food appeared.

"Has your brother ever not been hungry?" I looked back to the twins, who were both grabbing sandwiches from the platter in front of them.

"Nope." Said Fred.

"Not that I know of." Shrugged George.


The week ended quickly, and the day of our first permitted visit to Hogsmeade came.

"Are you sure you want to stay back?" Fred asked, the corners of his lips slightly curling down.

"Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good of humanity. And by humanity I mean us." I snicker, putting 30 galleons into his hand. "If there's any change left, buy me some sweets, and possibly some butter beer.

"On it boss!" Fred and George do soldier salute in unison, obnoxiously clacking their heels together.

"Also, poor Harry doesn't have a permission slip to sneak into Hogsmeade, would you two give him the map?" I try my best to imitate puppy dog eyes and clasp my hands together.

"You got it!" Fred yelled, him and George rushing down the hallway and disappearing in the crowd of students.

I made my way up to my dormitory, and pulled out the book Fred and I smuggled out of the library, to begin practicing the spell, using my handkerchief as practice. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to our last moment in the hall, under that invisibility cloak. What if I didn't pull away, what if I stood there for longer? What if I had kissed him? Would he have kissed back, or would it have ruined my friendship with him? My crush on Freddie is really making me imagine things isn't it? I get embarrassed just thinking about it, and go back to practicing the spell, desperately trying to take my mind off of Fred.

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