Joining the Death Eaters

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Fred and I had to elope very secretly, with only members of the order knowing about our marriage, and despite me taking the surname Weasley, I couldn't start using it yet. Our ceremony was very hushed, and only George, Molly, and Arthur came with us, as to not arise suspicion.

Lupin came up with a plan to have members of the order get in a public fight with me at the Three Broomsticks, so that it's believable that I joined the Death Eaters of my own accord. My job was simple enough, join the Death Eaters, relay information to The Order, and stay alive.

I couldn't wear the wedding band on my finger, because the public couldn't know about our union, but I did fasten it on a small golden chain, to carry discretely around my neck. Fred did the same.

"Eet eez a shame you can't come to our wedding. You would 'ave looked beautiful." Fleur said rather generously to me before my departure.

I sat at a large booth in the Leaky Cauldron. Along side me were Lupin, Tonks, Fred, George, Kingsley, and Bill. We were all engaged in idle chit chat, but all of us were discreetly glancing around, waiting for the pub to fill up with as many people as possible. The plan was to start an argument resulting in my storming off, signalled by Lupin taking a paper towel to blow his nose.

Finally, Lupin reached across the table and grabbed a napkin, dramatically blowing his nose.

"So what, are you not going to say anything?" I ask abruptly, slightly raising my voice.

"Say what?" Lupin asked incredulously.

"Tell me what is actually going on?"

"We've explained this to you so many times Y/n. You're simply untrustworthy." He shrugged, and despite saying this for the sake of the plan, I felt there was truth behind his words.

"How am I untrustworthy!?" I said loudly, balling my hands into fists.

"We've gone over this darling." Fred chimed in, gently taking my hand.

"What, you're going to side with them now? You're my boyfriend!" I yelled

"I'm just saying they have a point...."

"Fuck you, all of you, I'm done, I'm out!" I screamed at my friends, before standing up and leaving the booth. "Oh and Fred, we're over."

I stormed off and out of the dimly lit pub, feeling slightly embarrassed at the looks everyone in there was now shooting us.


A small lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles, on the right by a high, neatly manicured hedge. My long burgundy cloak flapped around my ankles as I walked down the path.

 I turned right, into a wide driveway that led off the lane

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I turned right, into a wide driveway that led off the lane. The high hedge curved with me, running off into the distance beyond the pair of impressive wrought-iron gates barring my way.

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