The First Shatter

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The first cup challenge has ended only a week prior, and the Yule Ball was fast approaching.

I found Fred sitting in the courtyard, and to my surprise he was reading a book, and didn't have George or Lee Jordan at his side. I ran over and he closed the book taking my hand and pulling me onto his lap.

"Hello Beautiful." He quietly drawled into my ear, making me blush.

"Well hello to you too." I giggled, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "So what's the deal with that whole Yule Ball thing? Have you figured out who you're taking yet?"

"Hmmm, I haven't given it much thought. There are so many options..." Fred pretended to think.

"Well, some of those Beauxbaxton girls are quite stunning." I replied, innocently batting my eyes.

"No I think I've got a better idea." Fred chuckles and pulls me into a warm kiss.

"Miss Cheshire, come with me this instant." The voice of Professor McGonagall rang out behind us, causing Fred and I to jump apart.

"It was just as much of my fault as it was hers!" Fred blurted out.

"This has nothing to do with you Mr. Weasley, and she's not in trouble. Dumbledore has requested to see her immediately." Mrs. McGonagall says, her voice softening.

I shoot Fred an apologetic glance.

"We'll talk later ok?" I say, before getting up and following McGonagall inside.


I sit down on a large Victorian style chair in Dumbledore's office. The headmaster himself sat across the desk from myself, looking quite uneasy. McGonagall stood beside him, anxiously shifting her weight from one foot to another, which was highly uncharacteristic of her usual calm and collected self.

The clock on his wall was ticking obnoxiously loud.

Tick... Tock...

"Y/n, these news will come as a shock and if you need to be excused from classes for a few days after this you have full permission to do so..." Dumbledore started.

Tick... Tock...

"Professor, what's going on?" I ask, getting nervous at the strange behaviour of the pair of wizards in front of me.

Tick... Tock...

"Your parents... They've passed." Dumbledore said.

Tick... Tock...

Despite feeling like my world stopped, the ticking continued, with the same monotonous beat, every tick loud and clear.

Tick... Tock...

"How?" I ask, not daring to make eye contact, not daring to blink, and paying more attention to the small zone lines still visible in the old wooden floors.

Tick... Tock...

"Well..." McGonagall started.

Tick... Tock...

"Minerva the girl deserves to know." Dumbledore said, his voice sounding cold and firm.

Tick... Tock...

The leaves outside were rustling, a whole lot falling off at every new gust of wind. There were trees without leaves as well. They were bare, empty, and lonesome, standing on the ground like sad and solemn giants.

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