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I walked into the Slytherin common room, and noticed a large sign covering up the notice board.


All student organisations, societies, teams, groups and clubs are

henceforth disbanded.

An organisation, society, team, group or club is hereby defined

as a regular meeting of three or more students.

Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor

(Professor Umbridge).

No student organisation, society, team, group or club may exist

without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor.

Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an organisation,

society, team, group or club that has not been approved by

the High Inquisitor will be expelled.

The above is in accordance with Educational Decree

Number Twenty-four.

Signed: Dolores Jane Umbridge, High Inquisitor

I gritted my teeth upon reading it myself. Someone must have ratted something about Harry's secret group. It could've been someone from the group or someone in the bar at the same time as us. But who?


There was a peculiar intensity about the chatter and an extra measure of movement in the Hall as people scurried up and down their tables conferring on what they had read. Harry, Ron and Hermione had barely taken their seats when Neville, Dean, Fred, George and Ginny and I descended upon them.

"Did you see it?"

"D'you reckon she knows?"

"What are we going to do?"

They were all looking at Harry. He glanced around to make sure there were no teachers near them.

"We're going to do it anyway, of course,'" he said quietly.

"Knew you'd say that," said George, beaming and thumping Harry on the arm.

"The prefects as well?" said Fred, looking quizzically at Ron and Hermione.

"Of course," said Hermione coolly.

"Even you?" Harry asked his eyes widening.

"I don't back out of a challenge." I said, smirking.

"That's my girl!" Fred grinned, throwing his arm around me.


I snuck into the Gryffindor common room, but at this point they just let me in, as I was always with Fred and George. I sat down on a sofa and looked at Fred and George, who were demonstrating their newly perfected Skiving Snackbox, that they had me help enchant.

First, Fred would take a bite out of the orange end of a chew, at which he would vomit spectacularly into a bucket they had placed in front of them. Then he would force down the purple end of the chew, at which the vomiting would immediately cease. Lee Jordan, who was assisting the demonstration, was lazily Vanishing the vomit at regular intervals with the same vanishing spell Snape used in his potions class on students who messed up.

It was a long while before the crowd around the twins dispersed, and I finally made my way over to Fred.

"No kisses until you brush your teeth." I chortled softly.

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