Hey Freddie

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Hey Freddie,

I'm in St. Mungo's right now, nothing too serious, but the healers ordered bed rest. We did it. We won. Voldemort is dead. Harry killed him. It's been about a week since our victory. I'm finally able to wear my wedding ring! Just like we always wanted. You know it's weird, I was expecting to discuss this with you in person, but I guess our current circumstances prevent that. This war really has torn everything hasn't it? It was a war that took away a life time, but was over before it even started. Remember our first kiss Freddie? Just two kids who thought they were alone on top of the world, and in a way, we were. It really was always you and I. Even in first year, we never saw obstacles as anything more than pebbles on the road. Remember the night of the Yule Ball? That's when I found out I loved you. I guess deep down I knew I loved you since the first day we met, but that night really made me realize it. The truth is I don't remember the end of the battle, or even how Harry defeated Voldemort. I broke almost immediately after seeing your lifeless body in the rubble, your red hair matted to your forehead with a mixture of sweat and blood. Im surprised I wasn't killed, because I didn't go back to the death eaters, or help the order fight. I'm not sure how we managed to move you, and I have no clue how I managed to get to St. Mungo's. I don't remember anything from the next twelve hours after seeing that glossy look on your face. Funny how life is right? Not even in the height of danger did I ever actually imagine coming out of the other side without you. It never crossed my mind. I always thought it would be you and me forever. Everyone thought that. First everyone thought You, George and I, and then it slowly turned into You and I. In that house on a cliff overlooking the bay. Remember? We would have two or three kids, and we would live out the rest of our days together, watching each other grow old and grey, watch our kids grow up together. This wasn't meant to happen Freddie, you weren't supposed to go so soon. I've grown so used to your pranks, that I keep half expecting you to walk through the doors of this stupid hospital, wearing your signature grin, laughing about how good you got everyone. I know you're in a better place now, and that you're probably doing amazing, but it just stings. I wanted to keep you here with me, as selfish as that sounds. Does that make me a terrible person Freddie? I'm not trying to be I promise. I just wish you didn't have to go so soon. I guess you're wondering, if you're even reading this, why am I writing to you. Freddie I'm pregnant with your children. You read that right, children. Twins. The healers are positively certain that I'm pregnant with twin boys. If they're even an ounce like their father I will be sublimely happy. I'm relieved I am carrying your children, even if I am sad that their father won't be around. I'll make Draco the god father, and I know it sounds wrong, but he was there when I needed help in the Malfoy manor, and I've grown to love him as a brother. I'm sure you understand, you always have, no matter what it was I told you. I miss you so much. Every time I wake up I still think you might just be sitting at the foot of my bed, looking at me with those golden brown eyes of yours, holding my hand, gently drawing little circles with your thumbs across my skin. Your family members are visiting me everyday. Percy cries when he thinks I'm asleep, and I can hear him whispering about wishing it was he that died instead. I caught myself wishing the same thing and I feel disgusted at my own thoughts. Freddie I love you so so much. I just wish you were still here, and I would gather all of the world's oceans in a small coffee mug if it meant bringing you back. I guess it doesn't really matter what I would do to feel your soft kisses against my neck, or the warm embraces you gave me after a long day, or the way you watched me do mundane tasks like it was the most interesting thing you could be watching. You're gone. We'll meet again someday, I know it. We will have all the time in the world to love when we do, as to make up for the time lost here. I'll write to you when the twins are born.

I love you to the stars and back Freddie.

-Y/n Weasley

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