The Ball

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It's been two weeks since my life was flipped upside down by the the deaths of my parents. Fred and George tried their best to comfort me, but even their jokes couldn't make me smile, no matter how hard I tried. Of course, I was grateful for their company, as they were some of the only people who weren't constantly asking me if I was ok, and how I was handling things. I chose not to miss any classes, as they were the only things keeping me preoccupied, despite being permitted and even encouraged by my teachers to take a break. Even Professor Snape looked at me with pity, which only made my suffering worse. Word travelled fast in the halls of Hogwarts, and now there wasn't a single day that I didn't have a group of my peers offer me condolences.

I hated how every time I passed a group of students I could feel their eyes bore holes into the back of my head. If before, I was known as Fred and George's best friend/ Fred's girlfriend, I was now simply known as the rich girl who's parents were murdered. I don't think people genuinely cared about my parents or my family. I was just some stage freak for them, and they were more interested in what I would do next. Fred tried to fight them off, snapping at people he heard were gossiping, but I could hear the whispers behind my back, cold and unfeeling, digging their way into my back.

The Yule Ball was fast approaching, and I knew I needed a dress. Going dress shopping was one of the last things I was in the mood of doing, but Hermione insisted that I go with her and Ginny. On our trip to Hogsmeade I could hear their cheerful banter, but I didn't pay attention to much of what they said. Every now and then they would address me, and I would offer them a faux smile to assure them I was listening.

I mindlessly put on dresses until settling on a dark green ball gown that I had to admit was gorgeous. Hermione and Ginny insisted that this was the one. Drinking butter beer at the Three Broomsticks made me relax only for a little.


My parents joint funeral was a long and elaborate ceremony. Hundreds of wizards and ministry officials attended, including the Minister Cornelius Fudge. The Weasleys attended and had front row seats, standing next to me. The Malfoys were there as well, and I could see Narcissa weeping, while Lucius and Draco stood there emotionlessly. I felt silent tears fall from my eyes and hit my chest. It wasn't fair. My parents weren't supposed to die. Their life was forcibly ripped away from them by Voldemort. And they knew. They knew they were at risk, and still refused to tell me anything, to uphold the illusion of safety and security. They never told me they were death eaters. How could I have not figured that out from 15 years of living with them? And now they were gone. Forever. They could've stayed alive had they done what Voldemort asked of them, but they didn't. They died honourably and I am proud of them for that. It just hurts.


I put my dress on and looked in the mirror. For the first time in a month I smile. Hermione and Ginny were right, it is the perfect dress for me.

The soft and flowy dark green fabric way snugly on my curves, it's cape gently caressing my shoulders with its delicate touch

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The soft and flowy dark green fabric way snugly on my curves, it's cape gently caressing my shoulders with its delicate touch. I ran my fingers along the beautiful stones encrusted along the front of the bodice, captivated by the young woman staring back at me in the mirror.

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