Olive: Daaaaad!!!!

Jamey: *runs into his room* What?!

Olive: *points at Scary*

Scary: Hiiii!! I didn't know you had more children!! *squeezes Oil's cheeks*

Oil: *whines*

Olive: *throws a book at him* Leave him alone!!

Scary: *dodges it smiling*

Oil: *gets hit with it instead* Ow!! That was a history book.

Olive: Actually it was Math a history book would have killed you.

Scary: How fun! He looks so much like you!! Why is this one blue? *pulls on Oil's hair*

Oil: Ow!

Jamey: Fuck off you demon spawn!! *smacks his hands away*

Oil: *hugs him*

Scary: Words hurt!

Jamey: I'm glad they do.

Scary; You didn't answer my question!

Jamey: It's Max's.

Scary: Max, Max, Max, Maaaax- oh! Max!! I haven't seen him since he married Jerry! Are they still together?

Jamey: Yes.

Scary: Is it a good marriage?

Jamey: Yes.

Scary: boo.


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