Chapter 1 - the party

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    Your phone buzzed in the back pocket of your jeans. You were headed to bed in your cozy apartment, walking toward your bedroom door. You yearned for the cozy pajama pants you were about to put on, but decided to check your phone before you reached your bedroom door.

🌀Shinso 🌀

hey, party at my place tomorrow night, be there.

I also invited most of UA, at least who we graduated with.
play nice, i'm LITERALLY begging you

alright, i'll be there. no promises on being nice tho

hate u bich <3

no u <3


    After you finished texting your old college roommate/best friend, you pulled off your shirt and jeans and climbed into an oversized shirt and your favorite fuzzy pajama pants. You pulled your bed comforter back and climbed into your queen sized bed that you shared with no one but your cat, Hades, who was already curled up at the foot of your bed. Hades didn't move as you contorted your sleeping position around him, careful not to wake him up.

Thoughts ran through your head, interrupting your tired state. Though you weren't one for parties, you couldn't skip one of Shinso's. He was your best friend and he had helped you through so much. From the general studies course at UA, through your parents' death, and even through college, he never left your side. You owed him at least one appearance at a party.
You weren't looking forward to seeing the hero course students. Most of them were cocky, and a party with newer pro-heroes is sure to have some sort of media coverage. You did get along with a certain few, but that group only included Mina, Iida, Kirishima, and Tsuyu. The others you either didn't get an opportunity to know, or you just didn't care to know. Bakugou, for example, had no interest in knowing you and the feeling was mutual.
You knew that one of the other guys in the hero course in your graduating class had a quirk that was similar to yours, but you never spoke to him. He bumped into you once in the hallway when you were in high school, and when he apologized, you didn't respond. You weren't sure if it was because you didn't want to socialize, or if it was because you had thought he was attractive and froze up at the thought of your bodies touching.


    The next morning, you woke up to your alarm buzzing. It was finally Friday, and you would never admit it to anyone, but you were excited for the party tonight! You walked over to your closet to pick out your work clothes, eyeing up the possible outfits you would wear to the party as you shuffled through your work blouses and pants.
You decided on a dark blue blouse with white pants and matching blue kitten heels for your day at work. Your accountant job at a reputable hero agency required that you dressed professionally, as you worked with well-known and sometimes, even famous clients. You had gotten the job after you had your college internship at the agency, and the CEO took a liking to your personality and strong work ethic. You happily accepted the job offer, the salary was too good to refuse. The salary itself paid for your apartment, utilities, and other needs without needing a roommate. Sure, it got lonely sometimes, but not many people were attracted to your "independent" personality (at least, that's what Shinso said). Besides, you had Hades to keep you company.
You dressed yourself and walked into your bathroom. You splashed water onto your face and gazed at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes caught what everyone else's did and you remembered why people never approach you. Your eyes glared at the scar that blossomed over the right side of your face, over the bridge of your nose, and stopped at the tip of your eyebrow. Thin lines carved into your face, scars of where your quirk has worn down your body and made its presence known.

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