Chapter 1: Welcome to Pandora

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Pandora was just as I had expected. Barren, dirty, completely not worth the Atlas Corporation's or the Crimson Lance's time, effort, resources and most importantly money. Yet here we are in our current situation.

I had been sent to this planet by my father General Alphonso Knoxx. I was ordered to go down to Pandora and reestablish Atlas control over the planet as it had diminished over time and now was left in complete control of hoards of senseless bandits and mercenaries.

I was accompanied by my mother, Commandant Helga Steele. As well as a battalion of the best Crimson Lance soldiers. Now that wasn't the only reason we were all being sent to Pandora. You see higher ups within the Atlas Corporation. Rumors about an ancient relic hidden on the desolate planet.

Word had it this relic was referred to simply as "The Vault."

Apparently this Vault could only be opened every few thousand years and apparently it contained within, unknown contents which I assume the Atlas Corporation wanted their hands on.

That leads me to where our story begins. With me stood outside a certain door. I take a deep breath before opening it and entering the room. Inside is an office, with a desk, chair and most importantly the person whom owned said office.

Who was that you may ask? Well to answer that question, it was my mother and somewhat superior, Commandant Helga Steele.

Image of Commandant Steele:

She looked up before smiling faintly and gesturing to the seat opposite

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She looked up before smiling faintly and gesturing to the seat opposite. I obliged and sat down before she got straight down to business, without any small talk at all.

"Y/N, I have received orders directly from H.Q. I believe that you would be best suited for the task." She spoke in that same accent which before you ask, no I didn't inherit that. I take more after my father in that regard.

Back to the matter at hand. I asked "And what's the task?" She then proceeded to inform me. "When the Crimson Lance first came to Pandora, we had a stronghold in the town of Old Haven however in our absence, that town has fallen into disarray and even worse has become infested with the Bandit scum that plague this planet. I want you to lead a team into the town and wipe out the Bandits hiding there."

I nodded before confidently saying "Consider that town already ours." She smiled again before gesturing, out of the door. "Then go on. Prove that statement. You will find your strike team outside." I nodded, then stood up and left the room, closing the door behind me.

I walked down the hallway and scowled when I saw Master McCloud with two of his Royal Guards walking the opposite direction. I didn't like him, he was too full of himself, constantly boasting about his past feats.

Images of Master McCloud and a Crimson Lance Royal Guard:

Images of Master McCloud and a Crimson Lance Royal Guard:

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Once we passed each other I heard him saying "Another assignment Y/N? Don't screw it up now

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Once we passed each other I heard him saying "Another assignment Y/N? Don't screw it up now." He let out a laugh as one of his guards let out a sigh, the other just shook his head in disapproval. I swear everyone hated him, even those directly under him.

With that out of the way I walked outside and sure enough outside was a small convoy of three Lancers. I grinned at the sight knowing this was going to be easy.

Image of a Lancer:

I approached the convoy, more specifically two Lance Infantry soldiers that were talking amongst themselves

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I approached the convoy, more specifically two Lance Infantry soldiers that were talking amongst themselves. Once they noticed me they both stood up straight and saluted me saying "Colonel Sir! Your strike team is reporting for duty!"

I responded calmly "At ease boys. Is everyone ready?" Now you see I had earned a reputation for being a relatively calm and fair commanding officer however despite this I always got the task done to perfection.

One of the soldiers responded "Yes sir. We await your command." I nodded "Very well. Inform them to get the Lancers ready and we'll head out." The two soldiers shouted in unison "Yes Colonel!"

Image of a Crimson Lance Infantry:

The soldiers did as I commanded before I got in the Lancer in the middle of the convoy

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The soldiers did as I commanded before I got in the Lancer in the middle of the convoy. With everyone ready, our Lancers set off in single file for our destination. We left our base of operations behind and made our way to Old Haven.

Image of the Crimson Lance base (In the Crimson Enclave):

Author's Note: That concludes the first chapter for my Borderlands story

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Author's Note: That concludes the first chapter for my Borderlands story. I really hope you liked it and as always thank you for reading! I'll try to get Chapter 2 up soon.

Crimson Lance Reborn (Borderlands x Male Crimson Lance Reader)Where stories live. Discover now