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"As you know, I'm Harrison, tho, you and Virgil can call me Harry, oh and my dad. I'm seventeen, and I'm not completely sur eon my gender, but I change between male and nonbinary, hence the bracelets. The here is the injured baby."
"Shut up Harry." Harrison chuckled as he patted virgil's head.
"He is a angy boi. Virgil is cis, sixteen, and gay, espcially for a certain person."
"HARRY!" Both Harrison and Remus laughed as Janus came into the room.
"Did I just hear that? Virge likes someone?"
"No!" Virgil said. "Plus, Harry, what about you and P-" Virgil was interupted by Harrison hitting him wth a pillow.
"Hey! He has already been hurt day." Janus said taking on his dad role.

"Anyways, family meeting in the kitchen, tht includes you Remus." Jnaus aid walking into the kitchen, the three of them shared a looked before following Janus in the kitchen.

"So, whats up? We never have family meeting."
"Because we not one." Virgil muttered, only Remus managed to hear it though.
"We have to talk about the elepahnt in the room." Janus said looking at Remus.
"Edna?" Harrison aksed with a smrik, poiting at the well drawn elephant that was stuck to the side of the fridge. Remus could tell they were going to get along.
"Okay, your spending to much time with Patton. I was talking about Remus."

"I'm i not okay to say here then?" Remus asked, expectijg to be kicked out.
"No, no your fine. I just need to know some stuff. So Harry has told me taht you were arrested, thats fine, but you hurt either of them or put them in danger, I'll be the one arrested. But I trust you, after all you helped Virge," Virgil rolled his eyes at his nickame again "But Harry and Virge spend two days here, then two days with Patton or their Baba. So, first, do you want to go with them or stay here?"

"Well, as you know I tend to get arrested, even once that I ended up in Juvi, so sharing the chaotic energy between both of you would probally be better." Harrison laughed to that.
"Okay, that's fair. Secondly, pronouns?"
"Remus Thompson"
"The Thompsons'? Oh them."
"Oh wait, your brother is Roman?" Virgil asked remembering Roman from four years' back.

"Friends?" Harrison started laughing as he looked at Virgil.
"Logan Costa, the rest of the Costa family, and my brother, Roman."
"Yeah, Parjer has told me aboyt you, and the butter insident this morning, good one." Harrison added.
"Thank you, I do try my best."


Remus had easily settled into the house, luckily Janus and Patton have spear rooms, so they were now Remus's. Virgil locked himself away from them all, Harrison was being the annoying sibling he was, and Remus was joining him. Janus just watched TV trying to figure out who his children liked. though he did take to note that Virgil's ear didn't turn red when he said he didn't like anyone.

Harrison and Remus were prepeardd to annoy Virgil when they heard him say "Ow! I cut my finger." Remus's insticts kicked in. Remus took something out of his pocket, ran in screaming "WHEEEE OOOOOOOO WHEEEEE OOOOOOO WHEEEEE OOOOOO!" Virgil jumped, falling off his chair in a startle "What...?" Remus had a band-aid in his hand, put it on Virgil's cut, then ran out screaming "WHEEEEE OOOOOOO WHEEEEE OOOOOOO WHEEE OOOOOOO!"

Harrsion looked at Remus as he returned to his side. "Wha- Your crazy, we are ging to get along well."

both of them walked away and Virgil went to talk to Janus. He was near the bottom of the stair when he called "Dad" Virgil dropped, clasping his mouth. he hadn't called Janus, dad, since the devorse.

Virgil was eight when the devsore happened, it was alot of an eight-year-old. He blamed Janus for it too, virgil was glad it hapened beaacsue neither of them were happy together, but once they sperated Janus had some anger issues. He was pretty harsh on them, and it gave Virgil anxiety issues, which he still stuffers from now.
As Virgil got older he began arguing back as he couldn't handle the shouting. Janus began to see his wrong, and changed the best he could. Harrison became close with Janus again, but Virgil didn't.

Luckily Janus didn't hear him. He went to find Janus, which he did, but Jnaus was on the phone. While Virgil know it's wrong to easdrop, he though he might as well, he was just going to wait outisde anyways.

"I can't beleive I told you I hated him. One sec, I need to put you on loud speaker."

"You don't mean it, plus your still getting over your .... anger."

"Doesn't mean I have the right to say I hate him, he is my son. Even if he hates me"

Virgil know they were talking about him. He couldn't remember a time Janus ever said he hated him though.

"You know you were just saying it in anger, afterall that instantly changed when I told you about hom being hurt, how is he actually?"

"Good, not that he talks to me. He still doesn't let me call him Virge."

"He will, it will just take time, afgterall he apologised to you yesterday."

"And yet, what did he do wrong? I mean eyah, he argued with me, but I'm a pretty sucky parent, and know I've welcomed Remus to the family."

"Jan, it will be okay."

"Yeah, yeah, sorry, I should go."



Virgil wasn't sure what to do with what he'd just learned.

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