14. Italian

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BANG, the sound was repaeted very few seconds, Logan wasn't sure was it was. He want to the window, there was Remus throwing tiny pebbles at his window. "You have a phone for a reason." Remus looked at his phone that he took out of his pocket, what heppened next would have suprised Logan, but it's Remus. Remus throw his ohone, at the window. Logan muttered to himself  "qualcuno può ricordarmi per favore di non innamorarmi degli idioti?"He hadn't even relsied what he'd said. He relised as he walked out of bhis room, and was shocked.

Logan went down to Remus, "What do you wnat Remus?" Remus smirked at Logan. "What?" Remus hugged Logan.
"SOOOOOOO, you don't remember what we discussed at the sleep-over??"
"We dicussed a multiple of vaired subjects."
"Binding?"  Logan sighed as he realised he was still wearung his binder. "I remember, but-"
"Yesah, yeah, whatever, just I'm now going to annoy you about ti."
"Well you annoy me all the time." Logan laughed, Remus chuckled. It seemed like soemthing clicked in his mind, he opened his bag and throw a hoodie at Logans face. "Here."

Logan looked down at the hoodie, knwoing it's exact purpose, he smiled. He properly looked at it and it was a NASA hoodie, even better. "This is awesome Remus, thank you."

After a while Remus left, ogan smiled as he walked in. Remy, Parker, Mark, Jamie, and Roseline all watched Logan as he walked in smiling. remy and Parker both gave each other a look. Roseline giggled, while Mark and Jamie carried on smirking. "what?" Logan said triedly.
"So, Remus huh?" Remy said. LOgan began shaking is head. "It's not waht ypou think!"

Parker smirked. "Oh really? Becaseu I heard what you said." Logan know ecxactly waht they were talking about. "Yeah, and what exactly did I say?" He hoped Parker got it right so he could blame their poor knowlegde of the Lanugage, afterall Parker stopped speaking Italian and struggled a bit whne it came to speaking and transulating it. "qualcuno può ricordarmi per favore di non innamorarmi degli idioti" the fact Parker spoke it was not what Logan thought would happen.  "Or, Can someone remind me not to fall in love with idiots."
"Parker, That's not what I said."
"Nah I heard it too, and Parker has become great at Italain again." Remy added smirking at Logan and taking a sip from his coffee.
"Fine, thats what I said."


"PIZZZZZAAAAAA!" Remus screamed, demonically, as Patton took the Pizza out of the ovan and gave it ot them all.
Jnaus had come to have diner with them. It was nice. "Thanks fir the ear rape Re." Harrison said taking the first slice. "Your welcome..... SO, Pat, Jan. Question. Are you awear about Parker."
"What about them?" Harrison quickly swallowed their slice of pizza. "NOTHING!"
Janus smirked, and began laughing. "That's pretty sus." Virgil added, Harrison gave him a death stare.
"So, Harry, soemthing to tel us?" Janus laughed.

Harrison broke, he stored into the depths of hell. "Them and Parker are together." virgil said, he know Harrison was now stuck in his mind."Wait, I thought they were already." Patton said. They all collectively laughed.

Dinner finsihed and the three kids got their stuff ready to head to Janus's. While Pat and janus clenaed up. "So Virgil, he has been talking to Roman alot recently." Patton said, relating to how Roman and Virgil had been etxting non stop, and facetimeing often, and Virgil barng him up alot. "HE is definaltly gay for him. Oh we can test this."
"What do you mean?"
"I noticed that Virgil's ears turn red when he is lying."
"Really??" Patton said with great excitement. Janus nodded, and cousinidentally Virgil was walking past.
"Hey Virge." Virgil still rolled his eyes at the nickname, he still wants completely good with Janus yet. "Watch this." Janus muttered to Patton, Patton nodded.
"Virge, are you in love with Roman?" Vurgil paicked, He remebered whrn janus told him about his ears goung red when he lied, so in panic he covered his ears. "No! Fuck you!" Virgil ran out.
"Language!" PAtton called.

Both Patton adn Juans laughed at that event.

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