24. Shit

21 2 0

They took a quick glance at their phone as they stopped texting Harrision. They had to clean up at the Cafe they worked at. Their shift ended soon, and they only had one order to make before they could pack up and close up. "I've got a Dark Coffee for a Mister Daily?" Parker should have recognised the name.
Their eyes wided as the Orange took the coffee from thier frozen hands. Fear drowned Parker as Orange walked out of the Cafe. The memeries all came flooding back, it all became overwhelming.



Remus and Logan had basically started datimg, but not techniqually. They just casually been on dates, claiming they were just two friends haning out, until Parker poited out that it was just like 'Harker' before canon.
And so, in the end Logan ended up asking if they should lable it. Which they both agreed to do so, boom gay!

So Remus had decided to sneak in and visite Logan, again. It kinda has become a daily thing so Remy just make them both hot chocolates. SO as Remus was heading home Parker caught up with him.

"Remus! I need you to tell me why you and Orange fought four years ago? Don't lie to me, please just tell me." Parker said running up behind he, Remus was suprised at the question. Remus didn't even know Parker know.

"How did you know? Why do you need to knwo too?" Parker just rolled their eyes.


Four years ago:

Roman, Virgil, and Remus where tweleve, and Patton, The twins mum and Melissa were meetig up at the Dailys. Roman, virgil and Ornage went of and did whatever tweleve year old Roman, Virgil and Orange did. Whilst Remus was his chaotic self. He decided to snoop, he found himself reading. remus never reads, but it's lucky he did read this, because Orange was a complete psychopath, more the Remus.

What Remus just read was explisent detail on how Orange would kill both Roman and Virgil. While Remus has planned how he could kill them, the notes and the encouragement ti actually do it was scary. The fact Remus found it werid proved it all.
He turned the page and saw his murder planned out and the beginning of Logans.

That enraged him even then, back then they were best freinds, and Remus would never let anthing bad happen to his best friend.

As he carried on to read it showed how insain they were, they found this all to be a game. This is stuff Remus would read about, or write about. It was his favourite type of crestivity, but this was all to true, Remus woud dream about doing this tuff, but they were actually going to do it. It was just Remus's mind but too real. He didn't know how to describe it.

Orange always seemed like a cool guy, he normally just came up with childish games for them to play and as he got older he began to write, but he was actually planning the deaths of those he loved. But he neverf seemed like the type of peroson to plan out murders. However, you can't read a persons mind from their actions and apparence, there can always be something else. We are decived by the personnas people build for themsleves.

Remus closed the book as Orange ran in. "So, you've foundd it?"
"Yeah, what the fuck is this all about?"
"My plans. And you can't stop me."

"So we ended up fighting, and we both got arrested. So, why did you need to know?"

"Because I saw him."

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