31. Minecraft

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(A/N: Okay, So I am fifteen-years-old, and yesterday I had my first Oreo, my GODS it was good. Andf my class found out 'ev never had a fizzy drink or a lot of other foods, so they are going to bring it into class on Monday, in our Maths lesson. I'm scared. I have ADHD and me and sugar, don't mix well, so I'm scared. Anyways back to the story.)

"So this is it? You're leaving, again?" Virgil said as they sat by the lake for the last time. Roman hugged Virgil. "I don't want to, I really don't."
"What does this mean for us?"
"I don't know, what do you want to do?" Roman said moving away from th hug, just holding Virgils hand tightly, in a silenct apology.


Virgil got home to Harrison sitting at the sofa. "It's nice to see you out of your room Harry." Virgil said smiling.
"It's funny, you saying it, it's nomrally you tha's said too." Harrison laughed, his laugh was empty, it just wasn't the same.
"When does he leave then?"
"Tomorrow morning.
"I guess you're going to see him go." Virgil nodded, he didn't want to, it would be regcognising how Roman was leaving him, but if he did't say goodbye he'd never forgive himeslf.

"It will be okay." Harrison said moving up on the sofa, welcoming Virgil to sit next to him and play minecraft. "Same to you, Harry."

"You're a good brother, Virgil, thanks." Harrison said as he killed Virgil in minecarft.
"Harry! Thanks, but Hey!" Harrision laughed as he started to make flint and steel. "Harry, Harry, no, stay, no! NO!" Harrison set alight Virgil's house.

"I'm going for your discs then!" Virgil said as his character sprinted to Harrisons house. "NO, Not my discs!"

"Sorry Harry, but I mean this in the nicest way possible, you fucked up."

They carried on playing minecarft for the rest of the day, they turned it into a whole war between their lands. Virgil won as he planted TNT under Harrisions land, blwoing it all up.

"NOOOOOO!" Harrision called as Janus got back form work.
"Whats up?" Jansu said coming over to them . "Ooh, minecraft. Let me guess you guys had a war again and Virge won?"
"Hell ya I did." Vrigil bosted. So Harrison hirt him around the head ith a pillow. "HA! Fair." They laughed, Harrisons laugh seemed more filled with life, with a hole a dark part, still shattered. It was healthing, very slowly, but it still was, because things can only get better.

Things will always get better, eventually.

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