20. News

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"Where's my son?"
"He came in half an hour ago. he lost a lot of blood."
"Is he alive?" Patton asked the doctor as he know how close to death Virgil was last time he had a reaction. Janus and Patton where fairly sure they'd lose him then, but it was like a miracle, and he lived. But Janus felt like he was running out of luck, and Patton wasn't sure.
"Yes, he is."

The Doctor took him to Janus, they couldn't go in yet, he was being given medication and oxygen. Patton saw Janus and dropped into tears. Jnaus had phoned Patton in the end, he know he had too, but he couldn't dare tell him that he amde the oancakes, that he is the reason Virgil could die, that he could disappear.


Harrision cried as Virgil was being carried on to the ambluance. They are brothers, and Harrison refused to believe they have been alive with out him. Harrision if one year older then Virgil, so there was a time, but they refuses to count it as reality, unless they is trying to get something and uses being the eldest as an advantage.

Even if they didn't share blood, if Patton and Janus decided to adopt then have biological children. Harrision adn Virgil would be close. They don't always seem like they are close, or that they get along, in fact they do argue, all siblings do, but they are best freinds. Harrison had said this all to theirself while trying to chope, and tried to disract themsleves with how cliche that was.

So Roman, the guy Virgil had been crushing on since forvere, a guy Virgil liked, came ruching over in fear made Harrison feel even wosre about what was about to be said.

"Virgil's in hospital."

Romans eyes widened in shock. "What! How?" Harrison hate this but:
"I don't know, dad, um Janus, he didn't say just rushed him off, I don't think he know either. I'm just waiting for news."


Roman always hated the news, it was filled with a bunnch of negative shit, like London stabbings, School shottings, the 2016 electon resuts, and so on. So hereing Harrison say "Waiting for news." wasn't in anyways comforting. In fact it made him feel worse about the whole situation.


Janus sat there completely impaiten. He couldn't stand this, he know it was his fault, but he wanted it to be all over, he wanted to hug his son again, confort him, apologise. And the crippling fear that he might not be able to do that overwhelmed him.

patton too felt like crying, they had millions of memories of Virgil flood his mind. Like Virgil's firstword, then he always hated it, now he just missed it and wanted Virgil to say it.
Of corse Virgil's frist words weren't usual, overwise Patton woudn't have hated them. Harrision's friest word was "baba" which, Patton being their baba was very pleasing. However, virgil, well he'd been spending too much time with Janus, and whilst at a parent gavering between Patton and their freinds, Roman's mum, and Melissa Daily. Virgil said his frist word.

Which was:


At first thye all thought he'd sneezed, but nope, he'd sworn, and they relised it and he began repeating it. And Virgil being the youngest, adn the otherlready have hed said their frist words, they all ended up chanting it.
But sicne Remus's frist word was Fuck, it was all okay in the end.

And Patton issed that as they sat there unsurtain of how this would go.

When Virgil was a child they were told all children have a mild allergie to eggs, which they either out grow of it's nothing but a slght stomach ache, but his developed, and developed massivel. it developed so mcuh, they never ecxpected to see this much developmeny tuni; he was older, but people canhave the same allergies but that doens't mean they'll react the same why.

So eggs where a big no-no.

And yet here thye were, Virgil in the hospital because he'd consumed egg, some how.

Janus was conviced that if Virgil survied then things wouldgo back to before, Virgil would think Janus did that deliberatly.


"He is awake and ready for visitors."

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