18. Orange

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(WARNING: Violence)

It was raining hell on to them, the freezzing cold rain burn thier skin as they stood face to face at a 20 paces distance. Neither of them moved, trying to intimated the other.
Someone stood to the side, they didn't want this to happen, they had a chioce here.
They both ran at each other, the shorter one skidded out of the way and took a stab at the side of the other. The other jolted as their side was cut. In pai they took a jab at the shorter one, but stillmanaged to miss as the shoprter one took another cut at them. The shorter one was only twleve-years-old.

The persona at the side froze in fear as they didn't know what to do, so they ran. They never wanted to be there, but they wanted to help stop the shorter one from doing soemthing stupid. Neither of them even know the bystader was there.

The bystander ran and saw a police officer, but they know they couldn't do anything, not because they didn't want the shorter freind to get into troyble, but because they knowt hings wouldn't go well for them if they siad soemthing to a police officer, the officer woukd probally think they did something.

Back with the two people the taller one kepttrying to get at the shorter one but continusouly missed, and as the shorter one cut open their arm, a cop walked around the corner.

Parker woke up, they rememebered that night, four years ago.The reason Remus ended up in juvi.
Parker had always known Remus to be impuslive and danherouse and that was one of the worst things he'd commited, espcaily since the person he was attcking was a forgotten freind of Roman and Virgil.

Paker had been thinking of the memery more and more as things between Remus and Logan developed. It got them fairly anxious for the safty of Loagns, but was that fair. Remus is calmer now, right?

As for the forgotten freind, they were two years above Roman dan Virgil, but they were freinds because of their parents, Remus and Romans mother was friends with Patton and someone called Melissa Daily. Melissa had a son, who was nicknamed, Orange, becuase without fail something about what they wore was always orange.

And it's not like he was forgotten, but they don't think about him much, just Roman was moving away due to Remus's arrest and Virgil had his parents getting divosred and Orange disappeared, neither of them know where the Daily's went because neither of them know what happened with Remus. And only Remsu kmows why he fought Orange.
Now Oranges memory just stays rant free in their subconsiosue minds, just like how uncousiouly on Orange's birthday they wear orange, just like they always did.

So why did Orange and Remus fight?

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