15. Pan

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Over the follwoing week, Remus, Roman and Virgil were placede din a gorup to comeplete a group project, there was two day until it was due because they'd forgot all about it. So now, Virgilwas panicking, Remus was drawing on the table, which Virgil also warned him not to do as Jnuas would be mad. And Romna was staring at the work.
"Ahh this is so furstaring, how did we forget?!" Virgil panicked more
"No clue."
"NOt helpful Remus." Vrigil said dropping his head on to the table.
"Okay Roman, what would a Disney Prince do?" Roman said for comfort.
"Kiss the first unconscious person he sees." Virgil said beong saracstic.
"YES! Virgil, you're a genius."
"What?!" Virgil was now almared, escapially as Roman went to the shelves in the kitchen and picked up a pan. "WOW! Remus! Tell him not to!"

PFFFFT- asking Remus was a bad idea

All Virgil could see was darkness, eh was asleep.

Janus walked into the sceene, but now Re,us was holding the pan. "Remus, really? He is going to be so pissed when he wakes up." and with taht janus left the room sighing and muttering "children."

Remsu turned to Roman. "You owe me one. So you going to kiss him?" Roman looked at Virgil. "Shit! What the hell did I just do! I can't."

"Duh." Harrison said walking past, "do you guys want mine and Parkers work form last year, if you rewrite it you'd do pretty good."

So thats what they did.


Virgil arrived to school a little later then the others, he deciede to walk. He was still annoyed at Remus and Roman. Though he never did find out how they finished the work, and if Roman actaully kissed him. He hoped not, but then again, he low key wished he did.

Whilst, with the rest:

"I wish he liked me back." Roman complaied waiting for Virgil arrive. Logan sighed "He does, so what are you comapling about."
"I don't know that."
"Well he told me- wait no, no he didn't" Logan messed up- thats new.
"WOW! DID HE!!" Roman was jumping in excitement.

Virgil arrived, but because he was pissed he gave Roman and Remus a look and walked to a different dircetion.

"Are you sure?" Roman said.
"well you did hit him around the head with a pan, I'm suprised he doesn't have a consustion." Roman dand Remus looked at ecah other- they forgot to look for signs of consusions.

Virgil enjoyed time alone, he wasn't too a6nnoyed about the pan, but it still hurt, the main purpose of this was basically to irriate Roman.

Which worked.

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