16. Karen @ a Diner

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(WARNING: Mension of cutting)

"If he likes me why would he ignore us all day?!" Roman said in such annoyance.
"As I said, it's proballuy because you HIT HIM AROUND THER HEAD WITH A FRYING PAN! Now get ober yourslef because I don't feel like rpeeating myself once again, and go over there and asking him out already." Roman stood there in shock at the nerd, whilest his twin stood there feeling slightly targetted too.
"Fine, I will."

Roman strutted over to Virgil who was walking home after school. Roman didn't noticed until he got closer, but Voirgil had a back eye begining to show. "Hey Virgil, please tell me I didn't gie that to you?" He said pointin at Virgils eye.
"nope, your all good Princy." Virgil said not wanting to look at Roman, Roman ahd already seen the black eye so he couldn't. "Who did then, my chemically inbalance romance?" Vigril gave him a weird look before swifty trunign awya to answer. "Just some guys, It's not really importat anyways, I can handle myslef, and I have been for a long time. "
"I know, but not evety well." Roman said grabbing Virgil's hand. His eyes gestured the arm and Virgil sighed. "I've stopped, I promise." Virgil was half telling the trueth, he didn't do it as often, but somtimes he found himself getting to the point of only being able to go there. Like there was no other way around his emotions.

"I beleive you." Roman said trying to entrust Virgil here, even tho he had a feeling that wasn;t the tuth, whihc he is write to belive. "So, when was the last time you ate, or had something to drink?"  Virgil looked guilty. He hadnt eat at all today, and he couldn't remember when he last drank something. Here Roman could read him like an open book, it was clear to him that Virgil was currently hungry and dehydrated.

"Come with me." Roman said tilting his head in a direction. Virgil looked at him spectically, before nodding and they headed in a different way.


Roman slide on to the seat oppisite Virgil. "No." Virgil sasid looking Roman dead in the eye. "How about.... yes."
Tey both looked at each other. "You have to get food too."
"I would but didn't bring any money with me to svhool."
"SO I said I'd pay."
"I can't let you do that!" Virgil said half shouting, but he didn't want to be heard by anyone else in the cafe.

Roman sighed, "You have to at least try and eat." Virgil rolled his eyes at Roman.
"You can'r force someone to eat Roman."
"Your right, but please just try." Virgil chuckled slightly.
"You actually sund like you care." He was comletey unaware he said it out loud hoewever. Roman looked at him in shock, there was a moment of silence, until Roman slammd his hand son the table, making Virgil jump. "How dare you!"
"No!  Hiw dare you! Of corse I do!" By now a bunch of people where staring at them both, as if they were characters in a televsions show.
"Roman, please lsiten to me."
"No, Virgil. I can't......." Roman sat down, and took a breathe, he was mostly now pissed at himslef for shouting, he attracted attension to them, soemthing Virgil didn't want. Also, he was ahving a go at Virgil fro how he feels, he decided he was in the wrong, but he wasn't comepletely sure. "I'm sorry Virgil."

Virgil strugged to speak, he know they were being watched. "I-it's fine. Really. I shouldn't have said that." Roman started at his hands before replying.
"No, I over reacted, just i don't know." Roman did know, but he didn't want, no, he wasn't ready to tell Virgil about how he felt.

Roman thought about waht Logan had previosuly informed him on.

"Virgil, I like you, like, like like you. " Virgil choked on air in shock. "W-what?" Virgil's face was a s red as a Solanum lycopersicum. "I like you too." Virgil mutterd, but just lowed enough for Roman to hear.

And, a Karen. "Gross, you two should get your.....gayness away from the public, nobody wants ity shoved in their faces, or around the children." they both looked at her in disgust. "We are children." Virgil mutterted.
"Karen, I'd liek to formally ask you to fuck off and mind you own busniess, and I apologise for my previosue, loudness." Roman said taking Virgils hand and walking out of the diner.

"Should we find somewhere else?" Virgil nodded as they walked somewhere else.

As they walked Virgil thought to himself:

He likes ME?
He aactually cares, so it's not just because he feel bad for me?
This is realty right? Yesah, right? Am I dreaming? No, maybe? Should I ask him to pinch me to check?
Wait does pinching someone in their sleep actually work? Has someone tried it before? Or is it just a comeplete figure of speach??
That's off topic. So, he cares, for ME. Why?

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