9. Station

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"Bitch if your ill you tell us, don't leave it." Janus said as he picked up Virgil slightly early from school, It was only by an hour, but yeah. "Sorry d-Janus. I didn't want ot say anthing."
"You know Patton told me about the test." Virgil had already figure out it was  about him. 
"Let me guess, I failed?" Virgil said saracsitcally and rolled his eyes back.
"Yeah, you did. 'Bold of you to assume I wann live'! What the actual Fuck Virge. What if it wasn't Patton? what if that was a real mugging?"
"Either I would have sacrificed myself for Remus and Harry, or the mugger would be confused and we'd run. I don't know, and I dont care."

The car came to a quick holt. "VIRGE! Son, you can't do that. Me and Pat are worried about you." Janus said, he didn't want to shout, but Janus became even more anxiouse about Virgil. "Don't call me son."


There was intence silence. Niether speaing. Virgil sat on the fridge while Janus sat at the table.   "Can you please tell me why, why you don't see me as your dad? I get I'm a pretty crappy dad, and Patton's a much better parent, but why?" Virgil shifted on the fridge.
"I was eight, you and baba got the divorse,and you changed, you use to be fun. Then you lied and shouted. I was scared.  Then I lost my only friend." Virgil mumbled. Janus started at the floor. He forgot how much it would have effected Virgil, and he wasn't awear of the lost of a friend. "Your friend?"
"Of corse, they moved."

It made Janus realise how little they'd talked over the last four years. He, until Remus, wasn't even awear of them moving.

"Virge-err-Virgil. I'm so sorry." Janus reagusted his seat, now completely unsure on what to do.
"Why, why did you become so, so angry? And nobody ever actually explained wh-"
"I started lying and becoming enraged before the divorse, you were right, it was my fault. Things at the firm got bad, I can't really say what. Then going thorugh a divorse was more."

There was just more awkward silence, until the phone began to ring. "Hello?" Janus picked up the phone, Virgil could here the mumbleds' of the person on the other end of the line. "Okay, I'm on my way."
"What happened?"
"Remus is at the station, again."

The two of them drove to the station, passing Harrison as he walked home, with Parker. Virgil swore he saw Parker give Harrison a peak on the cheek, but didn't say anything.

They both got out of the car, Janus waked ahead, to the desk. "How can I help you?" As an officer, this was the third time they'd gone to pick up Remus from the station since he moved in (Which has been a week). "I'm here for Remus."
"Who's Remus?"
"AH, you must be new here. Remus Andrew Thompson."
"I'll go ask around quickly."

Remus had arrived here for punching someone and breaking their leg. "What the fuck Remus?"  Janus asked as they began leaving. "Well they were calling Logan: Luna, and misgendering him. So I had a go at them, and they said 'What ya going to do about it? Hit me?' So I did, and a I fought them."
"Well done." Janus said, he was a proud dad.
"Can we get onto the important details? Remus, your full inistals are R-A-T, so Rat?" Virgil laughed.
"Can you really laugh Virgil though, considering your full name is Virgil Alexander Gae."
"PFFT- Gay. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO, wait, wait, wait. V-A-G. Hahahah." Remus died of laugher.

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