7. Imposter

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"How haven't you used the Periodic Table for codes?!" Logan said in suprise. "What can you even spell woith ther Peridocic Table?"
"What-What can you spell?! ... Here is one you'd like. 31,39. Or GaY."
"Sick! What about bi?"
"B-i is literly a element symbol, Bismuth. 83."
"What's up?" Roman said as him and Virgil walked into the room.
"I NEED a peridotic table." Remus screamed running out of the room.
"Should I be scared?" Virgil asked as Remus ran like a manic.
"Probally, I'll go check on him." With that Logan followed Remus.

"I should be headin out now." Roman said heading to the door.
"Oh, Virgil, I'm glad we are freinds again."
"Me too. Just remember, you're not allowed to fall in love with me." Virgil laughed and Roman joined him.
"Ha! That wont be a problem."


Logan and Parker stayed all day, it was bout five in the evening, Patton would be there soon. Harrison brang down both theirs and Virgil's bags down to the door and the bell rang. It was Patton. "Hey baba." Harrison said oepning the door, welcoming in Pat "Hey Harry!".

Patton and Harrison walked into the living room, Virgil was laying face down on the floor, and Logan and Parker walked into the room from the other door.

"Virgil? What are you doing?" Logan asked staring at Virgils still body laying on the floor. "Playing floor is lava."
"WHO HURT YOU??"Patton asked helping Virgil to his feet. "What happened?"
"Basically, you don't need to be elextronic to glich, because I'm certainly malifunctioning."
Patton and Logan looked at each other in worry. "PFFFFT-" Harrison laughed .

Patton decided to talk to Janus. "So, what happened this weekend?" Patton asked walking into the kitchden as Janus clean the counters.
"Gods, what didn't happen. Basically Remus put Virgil in the washing machine, Roman came over, anf those two. That's more or less it." janus looked up to see patton smirking "What?"
"Two things, one, you and Virgil didn't fight then? Two, Roman huh?"
"Wow, I dont think we did. Roman is Remus's brother."
"Oh no I know who he is, jusst Virgil though."
"WHat do you mean?"
"You mean you didn't read through his diary?"
"No, of corse not.... Aree we meant to?"
"Ha, I just skimmed through it a few time, and yes, we can if we want, we are his parents. Just don't let him know" Patton laughed. "Afterall, I'm a bit- Oh My! Thats why!"


"What's why?" Janus asled compeltely unaware of what was going on in Patton's brain.
"Virgil is playing floor is lava , but himslef, and he is lay on the floor, saying he is malifunctioning. It must be becuase of Roman."

While Patton and Janus got a divorced they made good friends.

Pattopn's phone began to ring, he quickly picked it up and left the room talking. Janus noticed he anxiouse face.
"Hey?" Janus said walking into the living room. Patton nodded, half paying attension. "Is this the test?" Patton nodded.

Janus and Patton had agreed they were worried about Virgil and have beedn for a while. So they wanted to see how worried they should be. Though, Janus could tell Patton was hidding something when it came to this phone call. Because while they arragned for it to be today, Janus did't know anything about the phone call. "It's none of my business." Janus reminded himself, walking out of the room.

"Harry! Virge! Remus." Janus called for them, they all came down in their own way. Harry came running down the stairs, Remus slide down the banisters, while Virgil just walked down, with his headphones on.

"Pats' got something to deal with, would guy be okay with walking?" All of them nodded, while Harrison and Remus nodded, Virgil shrugged.

"Okay coolio." Janus said walking back into the kitchen.

"Does anyone else think that Dad's a bit sus?" Harrison said going to the door. "Isn't he always, I mean at the firm didn't he say his nickname was Deciet? Lying is sus." Virgil agreed. Remus just laughed.
"He is sus too."
"PFFT- Sorry Re, but I gotta gree with Virgil here."

Harrison dragged Remus out the door, Remus started spinning saying "Remus was Not The Imposter."
"Lier!" Harrison laughed.
"I know it was dad." Virgil said nugging Harrisons arm.
"Now that's sus."
"Nah, your accusing everyone, your sus." With that Virgil pushed Harrison out of the door. "Harrison was Not The Imposter." Harrison said also spinning out of the door.
"Hahahaha you fools, It was me the whole time." Virgil said walking put of the door.
"I fucking said so!" Harrison laughed.

They all turned to leave the houses garden, to see Logan and Parker staring at them. Parker broke into laughter, Logan wasn't sure of he should laugh or what.

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