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(WARNING: mention of cutting)

Two days later Virgil, some how was ready to go back to school, Janus and Patton both insisted he'd stay home and rest, but Virgil was insitant, plus he wanted to see Roman.

Harrision and Remus had basically became body guards for Virgil as thye walked to school that day. "Harry, Re, please, i'm fine."
"Nope, dad told us to look after you." Harrision added as they got closer to the school. "So why is Remus here?" Harrision chuckled and Remus pretend it be hurt by that.

"Virgil!" Roman said as he noticed them and ran over. He got near and Harrison put an arm in frount of Roma, so he could get through, whch Roman did end up running into resolting in him stumbling backwards.

"Harry! Princy you okay?" Virgil said ducking under Harrisions arm, and in the back ground Harrision had the shocked pikatu face on as he forgot how short Virgil was.

"Yep perfectly content, just some wonded pride." Virgil laugehd at Roman, but heled him to ecome stable footed again. "Maky git." Roman muttered under his breathe.

"You, having a wonded pride must have really hurt." Virgil joked as Roman rolled his eye.
"Yeah, yeah Emo" Roman said taking Virgil's hand. They walked into the school hand-in-hand.

"Hey Roman, what does this all mean?" Virgil wasn't sure on how else to phrase it, but Roman got the gist because he'd been wondering the same thing. "I, I don't know. I guess it depends on what you want this all to mean?"

"Me?" Virgil asked in shock, was Roman asking him to decide what their relationship was. "Yeah, i want this it be a romantic relationship, boyfriend, but if you don't then." Roman said leaving his sentence open for Virgil's reply.
"Yeah, yeah, that would be..  cool. I'm sorry, I'm not great with, words" Virgil added as he stumbled on his words.
"I know." Roman said as he hugged Virgil.

"Gayyyyyy!" Harrison called from a distance. "ha, gae, gay." they chuckled to the themselves, and Parker jokingly rolled their eyes at their partners pun about theirs' and their brothers surnames.


Patton was at home coming cookies for when Harrison, Virgil and Remus come home, when the front door, which Patton tends to forget to lock, bursted open. "PATTON!" Patton recognised the voice "Janus, what happened??"
"VIRGIE HAS A BOYF RIEND! OFFICIALLY!! What do we do? Do we need to interview him, or get a police background check, ummmmmmmm."
"Janus, chill. Roman right? We know Roman."

Janus nodded as he sat down at the table facing the oven where Patton still was checking over the cookie. "Right, maybe soon, not yet, but soon we can invite him over for a dinner, and you can talk." Patton said trying to reassure Janus, which did became a very consistent thing, not that Patton's complaining.

"Okay, yeah."

Janus still felt like a horrid parent, especially since there was more the doctors had told him that Janus blamed himself for.


"Mr Gae?" A doctor said walking out of the room, Janus was still awaiting Patton's arrival, and the call for him sounded uneasy, so Janus was now on edge. "Yes?"

"Hello, I have some news about your son, Virgil?" The doctor said trying to tread lightly with his words as he could tell that Janus was on edge.

"We have found cuts and scars across his arms, and we wanted to ask you about them, if you know about their origin?" Janus was shocked, this was news, news that could only mean Virgil had-has been - and is (?) cutting. "What? no! since when has he been doing that?!"

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