30. Cadburys

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"Roman? Are you okay?" Virgil asked as he looked at Roman. They had gone to the lake again. This time at night. They both layer on the floor staring up at the stars, listening to the waves hit the shore, and the birds settling down for the day. "I guess, I don't know how i feel anymore."
Virgil nodded. They had been through a lot of crap recently, i guess that's how Life is though. A bunch of crap.

"Me too."

"One thing I do know, is that I'm glad i'm here with you." Roman said smiling at Virgil, and grabbed his hand.

They carried on laying there as Virgil became flustered. "Why are y so good at that? You smooth motherfucker!" Roman laughed at Virgil's fluster.
"You're even more adorable when flustered."
"Shut uppppp."

Neither of them wanted this moment to end.

But it had to

because Time, while a construct still moves.

it moves







People came flooding in, most of them seeming a very and annoyed. "Hello Remus." Logan said as he pushed passed all of the parents to visit Remus. He sat down in front of Remus. Remus looked at him with overwhelming guilt.

"Hey Logan."

"How has it been?" Logan said scanning the room. It wasn't in a great condition, and there were a lot of kids, some crying and some looking very proud of themselves. Remus was somewhere between that. "Okay, I guess. Ive just kept out of the way. I've been here before. I can do it again. And i'll get out early, I promise." Remus wished he could hold Logan's hand for reassurance. To comfort Logan's worries.

But the glass held him back.

"I believe you, but promise me one thing." Logan said with hope, and fear.
"When you come out, don't get arrested again, I don't want to see you like this, or limiting your future because of how many times you've been arrested." Remus's nodded his head.
"I promise."

Logan smiled, Remus know Logan couldn't lose any more or he'd break. Remus was determined to get out early, and legally, then keep up to his promise.

By the end they were both on the Virge of tears. They both felt bad for the other.

It finally came to the point where Logan had to leave. Logan looked at Remus and just smiled. "I'll be back soon, I love you." and walked away before Remus could reply.


"I heard he killed someone." Roman's dad said placing down the today's news paper. It was the first day what Remus did was spread publically.
Roman had just got back form his lake date with Virgil. His parents sat in the lamp lit front room, with th TV playing the news but on silence. Roman placed his keys in the pot and waked through the living room door to them, sitting down on the sofa. "Yeah, he did."
"por qué, por qué haría tal cosa."
"Because if he didn't I'd be dead, he killed Parker's murderer. " Neither of his parents knwo what to ay in repsonse.

"Melissa's son, he killed Parker?" Roman's mum was shocked, placing her hand across her mouth. "El diablo"

Roman's mother was so shoked at the infomation she had to leave the room. Roman and his dad sat there, in silence. "It kinda reminds me of the London stabbings. Buch of gangs around London, stabbing people. Well not just in London, got them in Birmingham, Bristol, to Hastings. All over Britian. "

"Yeah, I guess he did the Roadmen thing." Roman tried to say with a laugh. But it was hard to be optimistic throughout all of this.

"I should go see how your mother is." Roman's dad said getting up and waling out. Roman picked up and turned up the News, as much as he hated the news, he could only hope nothing worse could arise from it.

There was details on Remus's aressted, they got it all wrong, saying Remus attacked him out of the blue, with no reason. Roan switched the channels in hope to find someone not changing and making up the story. Just hoping not to hear any more bad news.

A futile hope.

"I don't think he'd like this news. He won't agree. Are you sure this is our best option, all with the stabbings and Brexit." Roman's parents' sat in the kitchen, trying figure out the ideas, plans and the details of it all. "I get Jackie keeps asking about it all, and how much she misses you."
"It will be safer."
"But your talking Kent, didn't ypu say they are having an increase in rate."
"Yes, but Sittingbourne, My mum lives in Sittingbourne, it's an okay area. Here people are dying. And we don't have to stay, I can got back to the Maidstone office."

So that's their plan, to move back to England. But they did't think about what that would mean, what they'd leave behind.


"WHAT!" Roman sai, he couldn't move to England, he wanted to stay in American, the US. If he moved he'd be leaving so many behind, he'd leave Virgil behind.
Roman was born in the US, in the second year of the Thompsons' living in the US witha visa they had their twins.

"You can apply to a six-form or collague there, study three stubjects, take you A-Levels, go to Uni. Plus they have proper Cadbury's chocolate. And Costa Coffee." Roman's dad was right, American doesn't have wispa bars, double deckers, flakes,twirls, or even cruchies! Utterly outragous! And the Cadburys they do have does NOT taste like it should. Then there is Costa Coffee, Roman ignored the name , he didn't want to think how it's the surname of Parker and Logan. Just remember how much better they are to Starbucks.

(A/N: Fight me, I stand by the fact Costa Coffee is why better then Starbucks, I mean I've never had coffeee before, but the hot chcolate, way better at Coast, plus Cosat is cheaper. Okay sorry for turning this inot a rantabout Cadburys chcolate and Costa Coffee. Tell me your opions because mineare very stubborn, so yeah.
Anyways back to the fanfic)

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