13. Crush

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Roman got to school early that day, and saw Logan come in. " Logan!"
"Saluations, Roman."
"Okay, so, i've been thinking-"
"Congradulation, did it hurt?"
"Hahahahahaha, Very funny, now shut up. It's about Virgil."
"Oh, how you have a crush on him."
"WHA- NOOOOOOO." Logan just gave him a deadpan expression.
"Okay fine, how'd you figure it out?"
"Remus, You have Virgil's name written on your hand like a ten-year-old and your talking about him all the time." Roman hadn't even noticed he had written that, lucily some hand sanitiser could eaily get he ink of his hand.

"Brother!" Remus called heading over to Logan's side. Roman basically ignored remus, and flixed his gaze to the shrot boy who had headphones one walking over, Virgil. Remus leaned to Logan and wisphered "This is a prime example of gay eyes." This broke Roman out of his day dreams, turning to his brother and Logan. "Hey!"

That's when Virgil got to their side, "What's up?" Roman felt himself freezing. "Nothing, we are al good, you?" Roamn said doing finger guns and lining back, only to find there wasnt anthting behind him for support.

"What the fuck Roman? You fucking muppet. Just becasue you've relised your in love with him doesn't mean you can act so.... so okay I dont a word for this. But it's not heric or brave. get it together Roman." Roman told himself.

Virgil laughed at Roman fall. "Sre you okay, Princy? Your not falling for me, are you?" Virgil said, realising how much Patton would be proud of it, and not seeing how correct he was. Roman just awkwardly laughed. "PFFFT- Hell no. Afterall, I did say that wouldn't be a problem."

Remus and Loagn excahnged a look.

Parker and Harrison walked over hand-in-hand, Remus gave them a deadpan expression, tilting his head towards Virgil and Roman. Harrison blurted out laughing, Parker tried, and failed, not to laugh.


It was break and Remus framed Virgil for setting off the fire alarms, which obiosuly Remus did, but Virgil is now stuck in detension, with Logan.

"So, why are you here?" Virgil said as the teacher fell asleep. "I corrected the physic teacher, mutiple times, and he got very frustrated with me. It was rather rediculaous." Virgil nodded. "So why are you here?"
"Remus set off the fire alarms and for soem reason everyone beleived him when he said it was me. Maybe it's becasue nobody likes me, and neither does the teacher. "
Logan didn't know what to say, he was speechless. "Whatever."

Loagan felt like he should have said something, but he didn't know what to say. "So, Roman was very off this morning." Virgil's attension spicked, and Logan npticed the slight red that appeared on Virgil's face.
"Yeah, he was. He seemed-"
"I was going to say clumsy, but I guess."

Virgil looked like he had something to say, but it was stuck on his toung as his anxiety took over his decitions, he couldn't decicd if saying was a good idea. "Hey Logan?"

Logan looked at Virgil, he tried to figure out hat he was going to say, he had an idea though, espcailly since they were just talkign about Roman. "Virgil?"
"I think I-" Virgil hesitated.
"You thik you might what? Finish your sentance Virgil."
"I think I might like Roman." Virgil wisphered.
"Of corse you do, your his friend."
"No, as in like-like."
"What?" virgil rolled his eyes at Loagn, and slumpped back in his chair.
"As in a crush, Logan."
"Ahh, right. Well why don't you tell him them?" Virgil began laughing so hard it almost woke the teacher up.
"Yeah becasue I'll be able to do that."
"Ah, of course, your overwheling socail anxiety." Virgil smirked and nodded. "SO what re you going to do?"

Virgil sat there for a second, pondering on Logan's question. "Put the ball in his court." Logan reagusted his glasses, turned to Virgil, looked him dead in the eyes. "What?"
"Oh yeah, you take evryhting literal. Basically let him do soemthing, though he probally doesn't like me."

Logan felt like he should havse saud soemthing, but also felt like it wasn't is place to tell Virgil abut soemthine Roman had told him in confidence. It probally wasn't fair, so he left Virgil ignorate, which was weird for Logan.

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