10. Roadmen

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Virgil began to feel better and while Janus was relutant to let him go to school, he finally gave in, dropping Harrison, Remus and Virgil off at school.
Just as usual Harrison ran over to Parker, Virgil turned to Janus giving him a look before turning around to had to school. Janus noticed what Virgil was trying to point out and chuckled to himself as he drove away.

Virgil's first lesson was Maths. He was fairly okay at the subjected, but the teacher keeps trying to get him to speak up more in class. Thats a complete and utter nightmare. Plus he is surronnded by the guys who pushed him off the wall; there is also Logan, on the oppposite of the classroom.

Basically, he was dreading the lesson.

Remus and Virgil saw Logan amd Roman talking, Remus ran over. Virgil turned to a different rot. He wasn't completely sure why he was avoidibg hem, but he was. However, he began to worry. "What if they noticed?"
"What if they think I don't want to be their friend?"
"What if...."
Well, you get it, Virgil was anxiouse.

Then the dreaded Maths lesson arrived.

Virgil turned up with half the class there, of corse Logan was one of the first to arrive, everyone else Virgil didn't know the names of. One beacsur he is terrible at remmbering names, two because he couldn't be bothered, most of them would either never talk to him or bully him, so where was the point in meborising thier names, he doulted any of them know his.

Thar's not the point, basically so far he was at an empty desk. He considered Logan lucky, every table has four seats, however the class is two people short, so Logan has a psace then another person. thats sounds alwasy, plus he is at the back of the cassroom. Teachers NEVER notice the kids at the back, but nooooo, Virgil had to sit in the front, next to four of his bullies and infront of more bullies.
And boom all four of bullies entred the room.

"Yay" Virgil muttered to himself, rolling his eyes so far back they could have fallen out. They all took their seats, and one of them that sits to Virgil's left psuhed down Virgil head so it hit the desk. For some reason thats histerical.

While he couldn't do anythinga bout it at the time, Roman had walked past at the exact time this heppned, seeing the event unfold. Roman instantly became defenisve. He felt something on his shoulder, and turned to see Remus. "You good?" Roman just nodded.
"Well, it's just, Virgil."  
"Yes, he is gay."
"No, nonono, it's just why does he get bullied so much? Don't they know the effcet it has on him?"
"He doesn't seemed to bothered by it to me."  Remus said completely unaware of the true effect Virgil's life and being bullied had on him. 
"Yeah." Roman lied, not wanting to reveal Virgil's secrest, its not fair to do so. Right? Roman wasn't sure.

"Yo f*ggot. You Japanese right? So you do my homework and I wont beat you up at lunch." The bully Virgils right uttered to him while he tried to get work done.
"I'm half Korean."
"SO what? deal or not?" 
The bully handed Virgil his homework, but Virgil, fully well knowing this wasn't going to go well for him, took the homework and put in the bin that was in front of him.
"OOOh, you are so going to regreat that."
"sure." Virgil had bacome so use to the bullying that it didn't effect him. The bullying doesn't have the effect Roman thinks it does.


"Gae!" The bullies called after Virgil at lucnh, it instatly caught bothe Romands and Harrison's attension. "You worthless worm!" They came up to Virgil who was sitting down eating. Roman headed over.
"Oh! Shove off you muppets." Roman said sticking up for Virgil, but Virgil just slipped to the side. Not one of them noticing. "Oh bruv, fuck off." (A/N: WHy have I turned the bullies into roadmen??? Idk, but Im going to keep it up)
"Oh, they gonna be beff-ting Fam." Another bully said staring at Roman "Oh! bruv stop being such a fucking tosser"
"You chav."
"Arsehole what you say to me? I aint no chav." Virgil was so confused on what the hell they were saying, but it was weirdly entertaining. "Nah, your a roadman, piss off."
"Wanker, nah."
"Leave my freind alone."
"Git." With that they collectively left.

Roman looked to Virgil who was very cofused. "Okay, I know your half English and half Spainish, but I have no clue what that was." Virgil said unaware of British culture. "English me. Anyways, how are you?"

"...Okay. I'm fine, you really didn't have to do that." Virgil said still confused on what any of that was.
"Why not, we are friends after all." Rpoman siad smiling at Virgil, pLacing his hand on Virgil's shoulder.


Roman was proud of himself, protecting Virgil. he wasn't even sure if Virgil need ed protection, he came to the theory that he didn't, bit never the less he was happy he could gep, he didn't want his friend to be bullies and hurt. He did figure that Virgil wasn't that effceted by the bullying as Roman previously belived, just like Remus said.
He was also supirsed by the knowlegde of British slang some of the bullies know. High chances they are partly British.

It was still lunch and Roman and Virgil had gone at sat with Remus and Logan. "So whats up fuckers?" Remus asked as they sat down. "Oh aso Virgie, I think Janus mixed up our lunches."
"Don't call me Virgie." Virgil added getting his lucnh put to see what Remus ment. Remus took out the note taht janus alwasy puts in their lunches. "Look, it say 'Love you, have a good day'."
Virgil looked a his, "How wow, that would explain this 'Please, for the love of gods, please be good'."
"Oop, well I already messed that up."
"Remus causes an explotion in science, we weren't even doing an experiment." Roman added.
"Yep!" Remus said with strong enthusiasm. Logan rolled his eyes, sighing.
"Yep, Jans' going to be pissed." Virgil laughed.
"Good thing we aren't going ther to night." Remus added smiling proudly.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh yeah, you weren't with us thie morninf." Remus added, with a slight tone.
"Anyways, we wont be at home for long because Logan having a sleepover party!"
"Oh cool."

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