26. Goodbye

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(WARNING: death, also violence, it will be over the next through chapters)

When I say they were later, I mean they didn't actually go in. They all just met up. When Logan ran finally arrived in tears, Harrison  who was chocking on their own tears ran over to Logan. "PLEASE..... tell me that's wrong." they collapsed onto the floor as Logan replayed with "I-it's not"

Remus took Logans hand looking into his eyes for consent, which Logan nodded to and Remus hugged him tightly. "Logan, I'm so sorry." Remus know he couldn't say anything, but he thinks he knows what happened. Orange.

Remus know it was wrong but he was glad it was only Parker, not that he didn't care for them, but Logan was asleep in that house too, if Logan died, well Remus would be as broken as Harrison was.

Virgil crouch down to Harrison hugging them as they cried. Harrison kept muttering how they wished they went to see them last night, they wished Parker didn't have a shift late night, that Parker could have stayed here , have been safe. But Harrison's hopes where diminished as the truth was opposing, they were dead.

All the adults where here too, from Janus to Romans mum. They were all here, because they'd all seen Parker grow up. Romans dad went on about how he use to help look after Parker when they were really little.

Everyone had their own stories to tell about Parker, and Harrison couldn't take it, they know the most about Parker, they know how they would have been feeling then, and what would have gone through their head. It was so overwhelming, Harrison ended up locking themselves up in their room.

Nobody even tried to go in, to encourage them to come out, because trying would be futile. They know Harrison needed the space.

"How could this happen? Why would this happen?" Virgil stammered as he tried to patch what was going on together mentally. "What sick person would break into the house just to kill Parker, they didn't steal anything or hurt anyone else, what did Parker ever do?""

Roman shock his head, he had no idea how he could reply to this. None of them could make any sense of any of it. Execpt for Remus.


It must have been one, two weeks since Parker's murder, Harrison still refused to leave their room. Remy had now lost his husband and firstborn child, so he too took their death hard, but they had to push through for the other four. None of the four where good either though, the house use to be filled with love and chaos, it was awesome! But now.

The house was like something new and horrid, it was very quite and light sobs could always be heard.

Thing would never be the same.

Remus didn't come over as much, he felt bad, filled with guilt. Logan probably wanted space, and Remus couldn't take knowing the truth and not telling him.

So, It was three in the afternoon, on a Sunday, and Remus had ran out of the house. Virgil watched as he left, figuring he was visiting Logan. He didn't pay much attention to Remus, he thought it best to talk to Harrison.

So Remus, not going to the Costa's, ran to the alley that the fight from four years ago was.

He know Orange would turn up sooner or later, right?

Four hours later. The sun had set and the world became dark, just like last time. Remus was sitting on the cold concrete floor. But as soon as he sensed a presence he jumped to his feet.
A shadow could be seen tracing the walls. "Orange, long time no see."

"I take none of you can remember my name." Orange smirked stepping out of the shadows towering over Remus.
"I don't care what your names is anymore, but i know what you did to Parker."

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