8. Sick

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The three of them left, they forgot how long of a walk it actually was, but thwy were almost there by now, they just had to go down a long, winding and dark ally way. Virgil had always hated taht alley way, nothing bad had every happened there, but he had so much anxiety he could only imagine somethign bad happening. Though he didn't care for his safty it was Harrison's and Remus's safty that he cared for.

And of corse things could only get worse.

They wlaked about hlf of the ally when a figure jumped out of the shadows. They looked like they wdere holding a gun. " If you want to live give me your money!"

Harrison jumped infront of Virgil and Remus, straching his arms out. Remus pushed Harrisons arm down "Bold of you to assume I have money."
"Bold of you to assume I want to live." Virgil said pushing back Harriosn getting in front of them both, face to face with the figure. Harrison and Remus started at Virgil . The figure took of their ski mask. "nO!" They said, It was Patton.

"BABA?" All three of them said in unison. Patton nervously laughed. "WHat was this all for?" Harrison asked.
"It was a bit of a test me and your dad arranged. We wanted to test something. I can't say anymore then that."
Virgil looked at Harrison in confusion, he just shrigged in response.
Teh three of them walked behif Patton who began to eat the cake gun. "Ha, it's cake." Remus mutterd.



Virgil shot up, time for school. However, he didn't feel so good.
He rubbed his eyes and began violently coighing. Vrgil tried to ignor it, he didn't want ot burden anyone with his illness, so he just got read for school. No way was he going to let them know he was ill, or let them take care of him.

he choked on his coughs as he got ready, eat breafast and brushed his teeth. Even when Remus freaked him out by drinking orange juice rigth after brushing his teeth.

Thank gods covid-19 doesn't exist in this universe.

He got to school, Harrison ran over to Parker, while Logan walked over to Remus and Virgil. Roman also came over. "Hey Virge." He said as Logan and Remus talked.
"What?" Virgil was shocked at what Roman had just said.
"...Hey Virge?"
"No. No, don't call me Virge."
"How come?" Roman asked in confusion.
"Nobody can call me that. Just, please don't." With that Virgil began coughing.
"Are you okay, Virgil?" Virgil walked away.

"Emo!" Remus called runnig up to him with Logan. "hey-*cough*- guys."
"Are you okay Virgil?"
"Arh, can people stop asking me that."
"Because we care." Roman said from behind them.
"I'm fine."


"Your not fine." It was now lunch and Logan appeared out of now where. "I get you don't want to tell your family, and your crush, but you do need help." Igt was agood thing Logan appeared becasue Virgil had become faint and stumbled back a bit. "I- I'msorry. Crush? I don't have a crush." Virgil said with his ears turning red as they do everytime he lies.

"Roman,you clearly like him."
"That's no where true. I haven't even seen him in years."
"Sure, and beack to the point?"
"I'm ill okay?! I feel like coughing p my organs! Though I dont want to do that."
"Of corse, you'd die."
"Oh, no cus someone would steal them."
"DID SOMEONE SAY ORGANS?!" Remus screamed like a demon. Virgil double back, falling over.

From a distance Roman watched his brother sacre Virgiul, and for some reason he wnated to run over and check if Virgil was okay, he figured it was becasue Virgil was his friend. But we all know he is wrong.

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