32. Britain

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"Goodbye." Virgil said releasing Romans hand from his grip, Roman's hand fell to his side, only to be picked up to hug Virgil and pull him into a kiss.
"Oooooooooo" Harrison called from the side. Roman and Virgil broke, Virgil laughed at Harrison's commentry. And Roman, he had to walk away. As he walked passed the gates he took a final look at Virgil, waved, smiled and was gone.

"Are you okay?" Patton said placing a hand on Virgil's shoulder. Virgil nodded, still staring at the doors. "Yeah baba." Paaton directed Virgil and the rest fo them to the car, and they all drived off.

That was that Roman was on his way to England.


Roman decided to take Drama, Media Studies and English Language for his A-Levels, at a new school once again. He sat in the common room, people where studying, eating and being idiots. He thought he might as well introduce himself to some people.

"Hello, I'm Roman Thompson." Roman said walking over to a group. "Hey Roman, I'm Shauna, that's Amy, and there is Darcie, and Dan, and that studying becuse they dceided to torture themsleves with Chemisrty, Biology, and Maths A-Level is Keaka."
"Nice too meet you all, Keaka, you remind me of my friend Loagn, they loved work." Keaka started to laugh.
"Ha, nah it's not that I love work, I just like to torture myself. "

"Anywyas, what school did you coem from?" It was the first day of six-form for all of them, they ment it by what scenondry school. "Oh, it's an American school."
"Ooh that explains the accent, though more British then I expected."
"Yeah my dad is from around here, I think he actually went to this secondary school, but I don't think he went to the six-form. So my accents half British half American some how."

And just like that Roman made a whole new set of freinds, but still longed to talk to the others.

He sat there with the group, Dan kept tryong to get Keaka to have an energy drink, but Keaka was too scared too. Darcie laughing at Dan, Amy and Shauna discussing their biology lesson. Roman was intreged with the group, they had a silmiar choatic enegry to everyone he had to leave behind.

"Oh look there goes annoyance." Keaka muttered as their sibling walked passed.
"I still think your sister is funnier then you Keaka." Shauna said laughing as Keaka pretended to be offended. "You have any sibling's Roman?"
"Yeah I have a twin brother, his name is Remus."
"Like Remus Lupin?" Asked Darcie.
"Ha, yeah I never thought about that."
"Where does he go then?"
"Oh he is in juvi, in America."
"Damn what did he do?"
"He killed someone because they were going to kill me, and his boyfriend. "

"Well thats a mix." Dan said unsure of what to say. Keaka just gave Amy and Shauna a look, while Amy and Shauna smirked. "I swear you two are sociopaths."

Roman's phone went off, he glanced down at it. It was Virgil. He smiled as he replied.

"Pfft- that line is as stright as you Keaka." Amy said pointing at a line Dan drow, but was jogged. "Ha yeah!"
"So, who are you texting Roman? You seem very happy when ever they texted." Shauna asked.
"My boyfriend, Virgil Gae."
"Okay, I'm not suprised he is gay." They laughed.
"Ha yeah."

Roman couldn't decide if he liked it here of not, tho he had been enjoying the chocolate, espacally since Dans' bag wad basically filled with chocolated and sweets.


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