6. (31,39)

53 3 13

(Warning: mension of cutting)

Roman, Logan and Parker had now been here for a while no. Parker and Harrison had been their chaoticselves, Remus lowkey ended up ignoring Roman and spending more time with Logan. Roman didn't really mind, he knwo he'd see Remus at school; plus his mind was busy thinking about... Virgil.

"Hey, Virgil?" Roman said opeing Virgil's room door. "Umm, yeah?"
"Are you alright, Remus told me you had a panic attack."
"Oh, umm, yeah. it's fine though, it happens alot, so I'm use to it. Anyways I should get on with.... this....ho-homework, yep homework, got to get the homework done. I'm talking to much aren't I?"

"I'm going to pretend like you didn't just say that... So how often do you use the homework excuse to get put of socail interections?" Roman aksed seeing right through Virgil's nervouseness, well. He somehow didn't see the gay panic, but he definiatly noticed panic. Obliviouse idiot.

"Ha, fine."
"So, Logan told me you still have no freinds, just like when we were younger."
"If you came here just to mae fun of me, you can leave. Roman noticed Virgil throw a black book under his pillow as he pushed past Roman. Roman quickly grabvbed his arm. "No, no, sorry. I- I wanted to know if you wnated to be freinds. I mean we used to be, then I ruined that and then Remus got arrested, I moved, but, I'm back now, and I thought we could rekindle our freindship." Virgil was suprised at Roman. When Janus anger issues started Roman suddently changed and didn't want to be his friend, then they moved. Virgil never knew why.
"You know, you were my only freind, and you changed when I needed a friend the most." Virgil fiddled with his sleeve. Roman noticed, he also noticed he was holding virgils arm fairly tight and Virgil looked in pain.

Roman lifted Virgil's arm, pulling down the sleeves.

"Virgil." Roman looked at Virgil's arm. It was overed in cuts, it looked like Virgil had tried tatic to get over cutting too, there was red pen, and a tight elestic band on his wrist. Virgil pulled his arm back, pulling down the sleeves covering up the cuts. "Leave it."
"Virgil. I can't just ignore that. Soem of those are new, aren't they." Virgil just nodded staring at the floor. Roman didn't want to shout of have a go, that's not fair. He just hugged him. Virgil was tense, but relaxed. He did't except the hug, he was kinda use to be shouted at.

"Oooooooo." Virgil jumped recognising that voice. "Well isn't this romantic." Harrison laughed at his brother, rubbing his brothers hair. "Harry! It's not like that. Oh, Parker is here, right?"
Harrison blush a bit. "fine, fine. Don't tell dad or baba or your dead."

"Your brother kinda reminds me of Remus." Roman laughed as Harrison ran over to Parker, jumping into their arms. "Gods, he makes it so obviouse. And, don't comepear them, because at least Harry hasn't put my in a washing machine, and turned it on." Roman began roling on the floor in laugher. "Okay-okay I wish I got to see that, not gonna lie."
"haha, so funny." Virgil rolled his eyes.
"Remus sneezed earlier, and I accidentally said 'shut the fuckup' instead of 'bless you." Virgil looked at him confused.
"How do you accidentally say 'shut the fuck up?'."
"It's Remus."
"Point proven."

Roman walked into Virgils room, lifted up the pillow and took out the book. "Don't open that!" Vrgil said, deperatly not wanting Roman to read it. "Why?"
"Because it's my diary." Roman studied the front cover of it. Roman wonder if it had a razor blade in it or something.
"I won't loo through it if you give me what ever you use to cut." Virgil opened his draw to get out the razor blade he'd been using recently gave it to Roman, and took his book back.

"Thanks, now we are going to dispose of this. Alos, I didn't peg you as a diary writer."


Roman and Virgil had walked all the way to the park. the blade was in a platic bag. "In all honestly I don't know how we can get rid of this significanty." Roman said looking around. Virgil giggled, which got Romans' attension. "You dork-"
"Please, please don't say dork, Remus told me it means dick and that all I can think of everytime someone says it."
"I forgot your straight."
"Oh, no. I'm bi. I just like people calling me a dick. Though I didn't know you where gay."
"You didn't? ha, I always though I lowkey gave off gay vibes. My surname is literally Gae too."

The two of them laughed, when Roman came to a stop. "What if we throw it down the drain thingys, they are always filled with rubbish."
"Why not." Virgil said shrugging. Roman handed him the blade in the bag, he put it down the drain, they watched it fall down, then walked away.

"I hope that wasn't a bad idea." Virgil said playing back into his nervous personal."I'm sure it's fine."
"Sure, so,... How'd you figure out you were bi?"
"Um... like a gay wakening?"
"Yeah, sorry, I was just trying to come up with some sort of converstaion starter."
"No, no it's fine. I kinda fell for someone when I 'changed', I didn't really know what was happeing so I became distant, and insecure." Roman basically fell for Virgil, Virgil fell for him, but that was four years ago.....

They defininatly won't fall for each other again. No, of corse not. Thats stupid. hahahahaha, this story is totally not tagged as a prinxiety... hahahaha.

(A/N: If anyone, BUT stanrobbieskinner knows what, 31,39, means please tell me, I'm interested to see how many do, and your offically my friend now, thats the law)

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