19. Eggs

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(WARNING: Allergic reaction)

It was the following morning from Virgil's and Roman's 'date'. Virgil, being the usual insomnic he is barely slept and just kept thinking about what this all means for him and Roman.

He slumped down the stairs to try eat breakfast. Janus was in there already baking pancakes. "What's the occassion?" Virgil said sliding on to his chair. "Oh, nothing, or just that Virgie has finally been on a date." Virgil cringed.
"Dad, don't. Virgie??! and I don't know if it was a date per say." 
"No it was a date. You have liked him for years, and Harry said he told you  that he likes you, soo. It was a date." Virgil rolled his eyes, he'd hoped it was a date but he doesn't know wahts going on.

"Soooooo, how was it?" Virgil began to eat his pancake, he never felt more motivated to eat, just to get out of talking about Roman to his dad.
"WAIT!" Jansu had noticed soemthing about what Virgil had previously said.  "What?" Virgil asked shocked at Janus shouting.

"You called me dad."


Roman walked to the school spottting Remus, Logan, Parker aand Harrison. Parker and Harriosn walked hand in hand while in font of them was Logan and Remus talking. Parker was giving Remus a sceptical look form behnd, which Roman noticed. What he noticed most was, was that Virgil wasn't there.

As they got closer Roman noticed that Harrision had a nervous twich in his free hand and kept checking his phone, Remus also freqently glanced at his phone.

Roman ran over, it was all suspicious and he didn't trust that everything was all good. "What happened." As he said it Parkers grip to Harrisons hand tightedned.  "Virgil's in hospital.


"You called me dad."

Virgil had a shocked face, Janus laughed in joy as his son finally recognised him as a dad. But there was no touching moment between them, Virgil hugging him or anything, no instead Virgil stood up and instantly fell.
He hugged his stomach tightly. Janus jumped down to his level in fear. Virgil began gasping fpr air and chocking, then it got worse he began vomitting violently. Jansu didn't know what was ahppeneing, he bagn to freak more and more as the vomitting got worse and blood began running out with it. Virgil couldn't breath properly and began to get paler and paler as time passed. Jansu quickily called an ambulance.

It arrived and luckily the hospital was near by.

On the journey Janus sat there in tears, he had to phone Patton, but he couldn't. He struggled, he know how that would sacre Patton, just like it's terrifying Janus.

He also tied to figure out what caused, this. He hadn't seen anythink like this since Virgil was seven, when he had a torrid allergic reaction to eggs, and then from on thye had to get him different eggs free food, such as egg free cakes and panc-. The pancakes. Janus forgot to make the egg free pancakes.
He had a go at himself, how could he do that, his son could die, an it would be all his fault.

Was Virgil even going to survive tis?

He didn't know. Nobody does.

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