29. Juvi

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"I killed him. There is no point me denying it. I did it because he had planned to kill everyone i love, and he had already started with Parker. So i meet with him, and he forced me to fight him and I won. I killed him." The police officer was shocked, they hadn't even asked a question yet. The officer was going to ask if he know anything about Oranges return because they use to fight, Remus was a subject because of that, but they didn't expect a confession gay up.

So that was that, Remus confessed to everything. He was taken in the police car to the station where his fate will soon be decided.

Logan was completely ignorant to the evens unfolding, all of them where. They were in class, learning, and just had no clue about what was happing right now.

However news spreads quickly around a school, any school. So people ran past the door, to window and stuff screaming about how Remus is being arrested. Logan figured it was for vandalism or something like that. Boi was he wrong.


"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO REMUS?" Janus said running in. Janus wasn't per say mad at Remus, he never was when he was arrested, but Janus was called four of a meeting by a police officer. And they were talking about him being Remus's Lawyer and Guardian.

In the most calm and casually way EVER, Remus replied with "I killed a guy." Janus's eye widened at this news and almost found how Remus found it bone chilling. "you did fucking WHAT?"
"Yep, he killed Parker, was planning to kill everyone from Virgil to Logan, so he wanted to fight me and i won, so he died."
"Because i fought doesn't mean he had to die, you could have told me, the cops." Janus cringed a bit at the last bit but carried on.
"It was him or me, the world would never be the same."
"This is not time for Hamilton references, Remus."


Janus was Remus's lawyer for this trial. Since Remus had confessed the punishment would be easier, but Janus was determined to shorten the sentence even more at court.

Janus was more proud of Remus then anything, Remus killed to protect everyone else. They all understood that, but it didn't stop Logan being annoyed. "Logan." Remus said looking into Logan's eyes for forgiveness.

"I forgive you Remus, you did want you believe is best, but. I don't know what to do, your leaving to go to Jail, it's not going to be a short sentence. We all know that." Logan was right.

The court ruled it as manslaughter instead of a murder, and with the confession Janus got the imprisonments punishment down to eight years, and if Remus had good behaviour he can get out sooner then that. (There was also a $100 fine, which Janus paid off)

And just like that Remus was begging taken to Juvi for the second time.

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