25. Sleep

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"Shit, you're joking right?" Parker shook their head and sighed. Remus started to pace back and forth.
"You don't think, you don't think he'll try to carry it all put again."
"I don't know."


"They are so annoying." Virgil said as he walked out of the house holding Roman's hand. Roman laughed, spinning Virgil around into a hug. "Where did Remus dissapear too? He just magically disappeared after dinner." Roman said as they broke the hug.
"He's porbally at Logan's, he goes there every day."
"Ha his a simp."
"Says you."
"adiós mi amor"

Roman walked off wave goodbye to Virgil.

Once Virgil walked in the house Jnaus stood there with his overprotective glare. "What?"
"He is okay. I liked his resopse to the last question." Virgil rolled his eyes and just started walking away.


The evening was cold, bitter and dark. It was as if it was a winters evening, but this was spring, almost summer. Like the worlds seasons began to alter and vary. Even in the dark people, in the corner of their eyes could see a shadowy figure stalk the streets, but everyone's sense of reality block it out, convincing themselves it didn't exist.

But it was there, watching and waiting.

There came a roaring glimmer of orange, it swayed as the wind influenced it. It was isolated in a dark alley, the alley was darker then the already pitch black surroundings.

There was a sinister smile that came from behind the orange light, it held paper up to the crispy fire and set it alight.

"Goodnight" The figure wispher ed to the paper, then garlands up at the house besides them. There was an open window "Oh no, that was a poor choice." the voice laughed, they jumped up to the window and crawled in.


They all got to school a little later then usual that morning because of what was on the news.

As I previously said, Roman doesn't like the news. It's always negative, nothing good ever came out of the news. This was just more evidence to support Romans opinion.

"Parker Costa murdered in their sleep."

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