♦️Protect You

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Cute moment between you and Bakugo? Yes, the time has come, lol.

Anyways, enjoy!



Sitting on the hospital bed, you sat up, flinching when a sense of pain filled your chest. Pulling the white covers up to your waist, you looked back through the curtain to see five small figures through the curtain.

When they prodded their heads off the side where you could see them clearly, you gave them a thumbs up, recognizing them almost immediately.

Izuku, Kacchan, and the three minions.

"Hey!" You smiled happily, beckoning them closer with your hand, "You came to visit!" You were just happy that they'd come at all, you were a bit surprised with Kacchan though..

The green haired boy only gave you half smile, worry clouding his face. "Yeah... how're you feeling Y/n?"

"I'm doing pretty good! Just a bit sore, that's all."

One of the minions stepped up, sneering as he stared at you. "You don't look good, honestly, did your dad actually hit you! Or is that just a cool cover up story to say that you tripped down the stairs."

Ugh, is he serious?

His immaturity surprises me, I suppose he's only seven though...

Izuku stepped in, frowning as he stepped in front of the other boy, "She isn't lying. You shouldn't joke about what happened either, whether she fell down the stairs or not, she's hurt."

Izuku is standing up against those boys?

Aww- my bb, he has matured.

However, you weren't too surprised when the green haired boy was shoved by the other boy who scowled. "What do you mean hurt? I get hurt all the time too, little accidents like falling off a bike can get you here, don't act all high and mighty."

Swinging your feet to the side of the bed, you glowered at the boy. You were still sitting on the bed, but you offered a hand to Izuku who took it.

"Don't be an asshole," you stated, glaring. You didn't often swear. "If you have nothing nice to say, then there's no point in you being here, I appreciate that you came, but coming here just to shove and talk trash about the situation pisses me off."

Despite still being quirkless, you were the second strongest in the group, Kacchan by far was the first. You had endurance and knew how to throw a punch, which put you far above the years of the three minions in the corner.

Tsking, the boy rolled his eyes. "Fine, then, I'm leaving." By his stance, you could tell that he was trying to act like Kacchan, even though it made him look more stupid than the cool he was trying to pull off.

The two other boys walked out, leaving you, Izuku, and Kacchan in the same room. Noticing the blonde haired boy only now, you were surprised that he'd been so silent.

"I-I'll go too," Izuku stuttered, still miffed from the situation earlier. "I'll let you two talk, moms leaving soon anyway." He flashed you a small smile, "I'll v-visit you later Y/n!"

Offering him off a wave, you watched as he left, slipping past the curtain. You stayed silent for a couple seconds before staring at the blonde haired boy, raising an eyebrow.

"Why have you been so quiet?"

His gaze switched from the floor to you, and he almost looked... guilty? Taking a step forwards, he sat on the side of your bed beside you, emotionless as he didn't say anything.

You reached to put a hand on his shoulder, still confused. When he didn't shove you away or slap your hand off, you were even more concerned.

Is he okay...?

Then finally he spoke, his voice hard and cynical, but low and quiet. "It really was your dad, wasn't it?" It was hardly a question, he made it sound more like a statement if anything. When you nodded, he stared at the floor again.

"Y/n, what does being a hero mean?"

Surprised by his question, you raised an eyebrow. Sure, you knew both his and Izuku's obsession with hero's, and how Kacchan always aimed to be the strongest hero there was. "Uhm, I don't know really, you always say that being a hero is being the strongest." He seemed to calm down at this, "But... I don't agree with that."

"Hero is more than just being capable, it's being admired for it, protecting those from harms way, even when it isn't your responsibility."

He tensed.

"Then..." he began, his gaze dropping back to you. "Does that mean I've failed? I couldn't protect you, does that mean I'll never be a hero?"


Giggling, you patted his back, shaking your head. "Kacchan-" you said with a adoring voice, "There was nothing you could've done, you weren't even close enough to do anything about it. Don't guilt trip yourself over it."

"No, I'm not talking about that..." he scrunched his nose, making himself almost look angry. "I knew what your dad was doing, but I only ridiculed you for it... I didn't even do anything about it.

Staying silent, you hummed, unsure of what to say to that. "It's alright Kacchan, you're still young too, you shouldnt fixate on being a hero to that extent."

"It's not just a hero I want to be..." he said, his voice growing to its normal tone.  "I want to be the strongest, so that no one can stand up against me..." he eyed you, his expression softening. "Strong people can't have their friends be getting hurt either, they have to be strong enough to fend them off. Next time, you won't get hurt."

He didn't smile, it was closer to a smirk, but you still took it into consideration. "Next time," he stated proudly. "I'll protect you!"

Moved by his words, you laughed, "You promise Kacchan?"

"Yep- I promise." He looked so smug saying that, as if by promising it, he was admitting to being stronger than you.

Still, you embraced him in a hug, slightly shocking him, but he still hugged you back. The two of you stayed like that for a while, relaxing in each other's presence.

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