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Dozing off on another day of class, your gaze was locked on Aizawa as your thoughts drifted farther off. It was a sunny day, the light from outside warming your cheeks as you sighed.

"Exams are coming up."

That seemed to burst you out of your little bubble, and almost standing up in surprise, you mentally groaned. You knew you would pass on the written exam, but the physical one was a mystery, and you honestly hated facing the unknown.

Especially when it counts for grades...

Watching as almost everyone in the class had the same reactions, you listened in, knowing that with the way things were going, you would all fail. Then leaving the classroom, Aizawa left you all to your misery and dissatisfaction. Saying that you all needed to study, and that you'd have a bit of time before the exams.

Time for stress-

Hearing others decide on a study day, you yourself joined in, knowing that extra practice would definitely help you. You understood everything Aizawa taught, despite zoning out almost half the time. (We all have that classmate in the class-) you all agreed to meet at Yaoyorozu's house to study, and you widened your eyes at the mention of a mansion.

Rich people life...

Other than that, there really wasn't much to do, you'd be training on your own, and having study lessons with some of your classmates. You would have to pass with this little setup- and all the work you'd be putting onto it.

Sitting back to your desk, you scrolled through the contacts on your phone, making sure you had Yaoyorozu's contact so you could call her just in case. You basically had everyone's number, and narrowing your eyes, you noticed you had a contact without a name. You found that weird, after all you always remembered to put the name along with it directly after.

Weird- maybe I should call them? It might be a spam number that I saved bu accident.

You put the phone to your ear, Kacchan giving you a stare as he turned to face you. Considering that he didn't have any study plans, he looked lonely, and you gave him a peace sign. When you heard the other phone pick up, you leaned against the back of your chair.

"Hey, just wondering who this is."

Glancing around your classroom, you noticed no one had grabbed their phone, so it couldn't have been any of them. The voice on the other side was silent, and you contemplating just ending the call and deleting the number.

"Ah, so it's you."

You recognized the voice immediately, and slamming the phone on the desk, you clicked the end call button, hand shaking slightly. How could you forget the voice?

Hand man.

He must've added his number when he had your phone, the fact that he had used it at all sent chills down your spine, you could only hope that he didn't do anything else on it. Clicking through your phone, you were about to delete it until-


Snapping your head to meet Izuku's, you noticed the concerned expression on his face. Adrenaline still pumping you flashed him a smile, hoping it looked convincing. "Yeah? What's up Izuwu?" Your hands were still slightly shaking, and Kacchan stood up from his seat.

Giving you a concerned stare, Izuku sighed, probably figuring that you were fine. "Never mind, just thought something was up. You looked pretty scared for a second there." You only offered the green haired boy a convincing smile, as if to confirm that you were alright.

I'm just... slightly miffed.

Just as Kacchan was about to speak, you noticed the phone beginning to vibrate in your hand, and you looked over to see a upcoming call. Recognizing the unknown number, your blood froze, and you stood up. "I'll be out for just a second-" and with that, you rushed out of the classroom. It wasn't that you wanted to talk to the villain, in fact you'd probably be giving the phone number to the pro heroes after, you were just afraid that he'd do something if you didn't answer.

Just outside of the classroom, you answered the call, pressing it to your ear. "What do you want," you nearly growled, making it sound like a statement more than a question. You had to hide the fear and confusion, you couldn't show vulnerability.

"Ah, so you did decide to answer. I just wanted to have a little... chit chat."

Focusing on how high pitched his voice was, you were able to keep your levelled voice. "Well then hurry up, I don't want to waste my time with you." If it really was just chat he wanted to have, then you could end the call now and he wouldn't do anything. Still, you weren't about to take risks.

"First, I just want to clarify, even if you do tell anyone about the number, they won't be able to do anything. I won't even answer it~ tracking won't work either."

"Just hurry up, I don't need to be reminded that."

"Don't sound so rigid~ it's just a chit chat right? You or your classmates aren't in any danger, so you can relax. After all, you're probably going to want to call this number later on anyway-"

"Is that all you wanted to say?"

"No- there's more-"

You clicked the red button on the bottom of the screen.

Well he said nor me or my classmates are in danger- so hopefully it'll be fine.

Stepping back into the classroom, you put your phone back in your pocket. You didn't delete the number, remembering what he had stated about you probably wanting to call it later. Having direct contact with villains was a terrible idea, but if it was ever necessary, you'd take the risk.

Guess I get even more stress-

Heading over to Izuku who was talking to someone about the upcoming exams, you leaned your head against his shoulder, staring down at the floor. You just wanted to relax and forget about all this hero and villain stuff- including the stupid exam.

Noticing your moody behaviour, Izuku sighs, tugging your head off his shoulder and into his chest in a hug. You enjoyed the comfort, and leaning against him, you knew that the two of you didn't even need to speak. Izuku could tell there was something bugging you, his comfort proved that much.

Sometimes I wish... I could just be normal.

Not have any special quirk.

Not have any connection to the villains.

To just be... ordinary.


Training was going accordingly.

Fist fighting with Kacchan like always, you found yourself losing even more than normal. It was probably because you were focusing on improving your quirk and scythes, and less your technique with actual fighting. However the blonde haired boy seemed even more fired up to beat you after the sports festival.

With Izuku, you found him doing even more weights, so you often tried to join him, not being able to do as much as he could. He was growing really strong in such a short amount of time- a part of you felt really proud, and another part felt attacked.

Cmon Y/n, don't be like Kacchan. Sure I want to be the strongest, but I have to support my friends along the way-

By yourself, you still learned your own tricks, especially practicing Monster. You had improved a lot, being able to sustain the scythe form for longer, and actually being able to move with it.

It's so heavy tho...

You studied with Yaoyorozu and her group, and it was indeed a mansion, much to everyone's surprise. In general, everything was going well, and you could only wait for the exams.

I better pass-

Stronger (Bakugo x Reader x Deku)Where stories live. Discover now