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Today's the day...

Sitting on the bus with your knees curled up to your chest, you scrolled through your phone, eyes gazing through the pictures in your gallery as you attempted to calm yourself down. In general you were slightly miffed at the situation, heading to this internship could mean a big deal.

I can do this!

From what you had heard from Aizawa, Lady Synthia almost never requested anyone for internships, precisely because she found herself in a mission, or made her assignments too strict. Apparently there'd be another intern coming in along with you from a different school.

Hopefully they're nice...

Hopping out of the bus, you looked around the big strange city, somewhat unsure of where to go. Taking a few steps forward, you began to sweatdrop, realizing that you really had no clue as to where you were going. Where were you supposed to meet her? She had sent her address in an email, but without wifi you wouldn't be able to see it.

It's not like I have the money to pay for data-

Well shoot.

Staring at the email she had sent you, you noticed a figure right behind you, peering over you to stare at the email you were swiping through. "Say," the voice spoke up, and you turned. "Are you the other intern for Lady Synthia?"

The boy behind you was somewhat taller, blackish brown hair and wide eyes as he stared. He looked friendly enough, and with a nod, you reached your hand out. "Yep! My name is Y/n L/n, you?"

Looking amused, he shook your hand, a bright smile appearing on his face only seconds after. "My names Yo Shindo! Nice to meet you L/n-" he seemed pleasant enough. "Do you know where you're going to meet with Lady Synthia?"

Let's just hope he knows...

"Unfortunately, I can't find the location," you said guiltily rubbing the back of your head. "Do you know?"

Nodding his head, you let out a relieved sigh. You both were wearing backpacks along with regular clothing, sweatpants and a t-shirt for you, while he was wearing jeans and a hoodie. You both made your way to the destination, speaking about what you knew of Lady Synthia, and what you expected from this internship.

Hopefully it goes well...

You both ended up arriving to the estate she supposedly lived in, and knocking on the door, you knew you both were getting nervous. "She's... nice right?" You asked the boy beside you as he simply sweatdropped, giving you the 'How am I supposed to know,' face.

It took a while for the door to open, and standing outside seemed to be someone working for Lady Synthia, you let out a relaxed breath out. "Hey," you said with a wave, "Uhm, we're both here for the internship with Lady Synthia?"

Why am I so nervous...

The woman in front only nodded, leading you into the estate as you looked around. To you it looked like a mansion, and you peered around with wide eyes. Is this where Lady Synthia lived? It would make sense, after all she was a pro hero who made tons of money off of her missions alone.

I like how she isn't dependant on her popularity...

Walking up a flight of stairs, you turned to Shindo who to your surprise, was looking more confident. You had forgotten to ask about his quirk on the way there, you could do that after.

"She's just beyond these doors," the woman then said, and your heart began to race again. It all seemed so formal- you couldn't picture why she had chosen you of all people.

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