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Cute little Izuku x reader moment? Here it isssss :)

Anyways, enjoy!



Actually having focused for once in class, you stood up, packing up your bags as you rubbed your eyes. Your injury had been getting better day by day, but it still hurt with any jerk movements. You still had a couple months until UA, so knew you'd be able to get some practice in before you attended the exam.

I have plans for today though...

Turning around in your seat, you were met with Kacchan who was sending you a glare as if to ask, "What is it this time?" Ignoring him, you peeked to the side to get a good look of Izuku who was behind the blonde haired boy.

"Hey Izuwu," you began, ignoring the intensifying aura from the blonde haired boy in front of you. "Wanna hang out today? I haven't been to your house in a while."

Glancing at you, the green haired boy rubbed his neck, "Hm? S-sure."

"There's something I have to talk to you about too," you said, keeping the same smile and happy voice. You noticed the way Kacchan grabbed your seat, tugging it closer to his desk.

"Y/n..." he began in a warning voice, and you grabbed your books, absolutely ignoring him and walking to Izuku's desk. Glancing warily at the blonde, the green haired boy grabbed his books, and you both walked out, leaving the blonde with his anger issues.

Once you had both exited outside, you sighed, Izuku glancing at you as if he expected you to continue and explain what it was you wanted to talk about.

"I'm guessing you never found out... but a couple weeks ago, I was at the hospital for a different reason... the construction thing was a lie."

His expression changed from happy and curious to concern and shock. "You... did? Why didn't you tell me?" He looked worried, and standing in front of you path so you couldn't walk ahead, you both stood there.

"It's complicated Izuwu..." you stared down to the ground. "I didn't want to tell you, cause I didn't want to worry you, and... me and Kacchan didn't want to tell anyone about it because-"

Izuku's expression turned into one of anger, and his hands grasped your shoulder tightly. "Did Kacchan hurt you?" He asked bluntly, and you stood speechless. This was the first time you've ever seen Izuku like this, expressing anything other than his small soft side.

You shook your head quickly, and the boy let you go with a relieved sigh. His expression turned back into concern, and you were still miffed by his first reaction. "No... I... ran into some bad people, made a deal and got really beat up by one of them, that's all. It was my stupidity that led me there, it wasn't Kacchans fault, he saved me."

From confusion to even more worry, the green haired boy stared at your stomach area. "Wait..." he kneeled down so that he was levelled with your stomach. "So you're saying he impaled you with a... a wooden plank?!"

"No... the guy just shoved me into a wall, the floorboards just splintered with the impact."

He was staring at you with surprise, and standing back up to his normal height, he put a hand to his head. "Just... how strong was this villain?"

"I wouldn't really consider it a villain, they never specified it. But I killed him, so I don't know... they called him Nomu."

"You killed him?!"

Putting a hand to your head, you quickly shook your head. "Okay- I kinda forgot to specify that it wasn't human, it was like a weird animal thing, that had a huge human form." You didn't kill an actual human, right? The hand man described the beast as a Nomu, not the name of it, more like the species.

Izuku relaxed a tad, and then realizing just what you said, he looked even more concerned. "What do you mean by animal human thing?" You understood why he was confused, after all you yourself had almost idea what that thing was either.

"I don't know... it just wasn't human, let's leave it at that."

With a sigh, he dismissed the topic, nodding. "Either way, I still have lots of questions, why didn't you and Kacchan report it? How did you even encounter this beast guy- why didn't Kacchan help you earlier."

I'm not explaining all of it to him...

"All you need to know is that the guys with the beast guy disappeared, and that reporting it would've made no difference. I have no proof or info that will actually matter."

"Wait, so there were more people with the beast guy-"

"Izuwu- no more on the topic please."

With a stare he complied, putting a hand to his head. "And no one else knows about this..." he said softly. "That's crazy Y/n... even considering how reckless you and Kacchan can be..."

Beginning to walk, the two of you head over to the beach, catching sight of the trash pile Izuku had slowly been building up. "Yeah, I know, I swear I won't pull off any stunts like that, not until I get into UA."

"Trust me, you won't."

Giving him a stare, you rose an eyebrow. "Oh? Why so sure?" You crossed your arms, and the two of you began to walk on the boardwalk, walking down the steps to reach the sand. There was still a good amount of trash on the ground.

With a chuckle, he seemed a bit flustered. "Cause I'll be there! I'll make sure you don't get yourself into more trouble, both you and Kacchan."

I... good luck with that Izuwu...

"Keeping Kacchan out of trouble? I don't think that's possible," you laughed. "I'll try my best to stay safe, no promises though, after all, I have to protect you over there."

Izuku picked up a dirty microwave with ease, lifting up the sleeves of his uniform so that it wouldn't get dirty. "Not sure about that Y/n, who knows, I might get strong enough to protect you instead."


I mean, that would be kinda freaky, I'd prefer Izuwu to be someone I can always protect.

Like a little cinnamon roll.

"As if," you jokingly stated, walking with the boy as he dumped the microwave into the pile. "I'm always gonna be stronger, both for you and Kacchan."

At least, I hope so.

Stronger (Bakugo x Reader x Deku)Where stories live. Discover now