🔸Hero Costume

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Aight so uhm, you get hurt a bit in this chapter, just a bit tho (maybe more than a bit.) If you wonder why the reader often doesn't express or feel pain like most, it's cause they depend on the shock and rush of adrenaline, when it actually hits, trust me it's a whole different story. And besides, they have a lot of endurance when it comes to pain, and how to deal with it. (You know why.)

Anyways, enjoy!


Lunch had ended, and leaving to your next class, both you and Izuku excitedly bounded down the stairs. You were careful not to trip this time, and reaching the bottom, you head to class.

When arriving, both you and the green haired boy stared in wonder as All Might introduced himself as the teacher. Well hopefully this class would be fun... and not like the last one, that had sucked.

Telling us to change into our hero suits, you excitedly bounded towards the change room with the rest of the girls. Noticing that you didn't know any of them, you tried to start a conversation with one of them.

"Hey, my name is Y/n!" The girl seemed nice enough, a bit shorter than you, green hair that tied into a ponytail at the bottom, and big cute eyes.

"I'm Tsu," the girl said back, giving you a smile. "Nice to meet you Y/n."

The two of you chattered for a bit as you entered the change rooms, exclaiming about how excited you were to see what it would look like, and what you would be doing.

When you opened it, you noticed it was a pretty normal grey tight elastic light shirt, it was flexible and stretchy which you admired. The black belt was tight, and the sweatpants you were wearing felt nice and comfy. You had a white scarf, and it reminded you of the one that had saved you that day, when the guy had almost burned through your neck.

Honestly... I'll just feel safer with one on.

The rest of the costume consisted on a big black oversized cloak, and you kept the hood off. Your h/c hair was loose, and you decided you didn't really want to wear a ponytail. The only thing that bothered you about the costume were the high heel like boots. Now they weren't really high heels, they just arched your heel a bit, so you felt a bit taller.

Stepping out to where everyone was, you made sure the white scarf was covering your mouth. You couldn't help but stare at everyone's hero costumes, amazed by the creativity and just how cool they looked.

Entering right behind you was Izuku, and you laughed at his costume, patting him on the back. "All Might Junior?" You asked the boy as he flushed red, and you both walked over to where everyone was waiting.

That's when All Might began to explain how it would work, and this time, you actually listened. It didn't seem that hard, someone would play hero, and someone would play villain. You just hoped you were teamed with someone you didn't know, then you could form a friendship.

I swear, I only know Tsu, Katsuki, and Izuku right now-

As he called the teams out, you raised an eyebrow when teamed up with Kacchan. Walking over to him, you punched his shoulder, "Seems like we're a team." Glancing at you, he numbly nodded, seemed like he didn't really mind the matchup.

You and Kacchan were good at cooperating, when he wasn't in a pissy mood that is. You just had your way with communicating with him, after all, you'd spent basically your childhood with him too.

However, you tensed when noticing that you were against Izuku and this other girl, you really didn't want to be against the green haired boy, but flashing him a reassuring thumbs up, you knew it'd be fine. Well, maybe not with Kacchan, who looked like he was getting ready to tear the boys head off.

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