♦️Near Death Experience

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Holy- this chapter is really long- sorry for those who don't like the really long chapters. Anyways, enjoy, it's basically Y/n encountering... cough... well you'll see. This chapter is important to plot, so I'd suggest you read it.

Anyways, enjoy!



Staring at the blonde haired boy, you had a big smile on your face, sitting crisscross on his bed as you waited to grab his attention. He was once again lifting weights and reading something off of his phone. He gave you a side glance, "What."

"I have a good idea," you began, crossing your arms. "Say, what do you think about going on a little expedition of our own? Doing some hero work before we enter UA, yknow, for practice." You didn't plan on doing anything hard, maybe beating up a weak thug that stole something.

However, the boy beside you didn't look interested, and he simply shook his head. "There's no point in that, I don't need to train anymore, or do some hero work before UA. I'm going to be the strongest there anyway."

Sweatdropping, you weren't too surprised when hearing it. He had repeated the same thing to himself every time you brought the subject about UA, so with a sigh you figured you wouldn't be able to convince him.

"Fine then," you said with a frown and a puff of air, "I'll go alone. We have to be on a call though, or it won't really feel like a hero mission..." you stood up, walking to his closet. "And I need a hero costume, I'm going to use some of your clothes."

He didn't reject the idea, and with a sigh he continued to stare at his phone. "Do whatever, just don't get me involved. If it's just a phone call it's fine."

There was nothing in his closet that was hero worthy, and your current attire wasn't any good to fight in. A part of you knew it was probably useless anyway, and that you wouldn't encounter any thugs or villains anyway.

Well I have nothing to do- and the blondie is just being a bore.

Picking out one of his oversized black shirts with a black logo on it, you kept your short denim brown shorts on, making it almost look like you weren't wearing anything underneath. Tucking in the shirt slightly at the front, you grabbed one of his black hats, looking through his closet once again.


You found a white scarf, probably something he'd use for winter, it was oversized and big, even for him, so you wrapped it around countless times, huddling in its warmth as it covered nearly half your face. With a grin, you turned to face Kacchan.

"How do I look?"

He barely gazed at you, "Like an idiot." You frowned, but you didn't notice the slight blush in his cheeks.

Rolling your eyes, you scanned your phone, finding the site you had been looking for earlier. "Well I'm off then, I'll call you when I get there." It was a site for complaints, often about some kind of creepy activity and such. It looked kinda sus, but you figured it was the best you were going to get.

But honestly, landlords complaining about their building being haunted is definitely sus.

Was that seriously the best one I could find?

Opening Kacchan's window, you perched your feet on the edge, waving. "See you Kacchannnn," and then you jumped down. You had great balance, and just like a cat, a good sense of being able to jump down and land.

Simply walking, you headed towards the location your phone pointed you to. There wasn't too much info on it either way, just that a semi abandoned building was haunted. Apparently anyone that went there didn't come back, especially if they went to the third floor. Or wherever that was.

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