♦️Slimy B*tch

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Do not question the chapter title- lol, but anyways, this chapter is really long for some reason, and there's cute snippets of you and Bakugo ;3

Anyways enjoy!


It had been a while since you entered the city, walking through the busy streets to find something to eat. Settling on a cafe just around the corner, you waited in the line, counting the cash in your pocket.

Bleh, I might just have to get the normal coffee-

I can't afford the any of them that actually taste good...

The line took longer than you thought, and ordering your coffee, you had to wait even longer for it to get ready.

At this rate, I won't be able to get anything done during the day.

Grabbing the coffee in your hands, you walked out of the cafe, sipping it softly as you exited. You planned to get to training right after, but an explosion caught your attention, and heading towards it, you were slightly interested. And no, you didn't plan to play the hero and save anyone, it was just entertaining to see the hero's do so.

So heading in that direction, you ended up in a huge crowd of people, pushing past into the front to see what was going on. There seemed to be many hero's around, so you had no doubt it would be a quick fight. Almost dropping your coffee, you glared at the people who tried to shove past you.

I swear- if my coffee spills, those hero's are going to have one more thing to worry about.

Taking another sip, you ended up at the front, staring at the situation to get a better understanding. You then realized just how terribly the hero's were doing against this villain, they seemed to be unable to do anything, slightly freaking out and trying to soften the damage on the city.

Hopefully a pro hero shows up...

You took a sip of your coffee just as a someone from the crowd sprinted towards the slimy villain. To your horror, you noticed it was Izuku, a fearful look on his face as he threw his backpack at the beast.


You then noticed someone who was trapped inside the monster, and your heart skipped a beat, staring at the blonde haired boys terrified eyes. The coffee in your hand dropped to the floor, and a sense of rage filled you as you moved, running towards the two.

How did I not notice before?!

This time, one of the hero's tried to stop you, but with kick to the stomach, they moved to the side. They were caught off guard, not prepared to have you on offence like that.

My friends are in trouble- I don't give a shit.

Holding a hand out, you sucked in a deep breath once you got close. "Izuwu!" You yelled, "Get out of here!"

He glanced back at you, but didn't listen, continuing to claw against the slimy monster, it seemed to be futile, and you growled.

Approaching, with a sprint, you threw the boy out of the way, guilty for having to use that method. However, you couldn't have anyone else close while you did this, they could get injured, or in the way.

Your hand was outstretched, and once again you drew a big breath in, summoning a scythe into your hand. However, this one was different from the usual one, two times the size of you, and having a angelic like carving on the edge, it had an intimidating sense.

Jumping into the air, you held the handle in both your hands, swinging the scythe up for momentum. You were high into the air, pressing the scythe down with speed that went past training. The adrenaline of the situation ran through your veins, as did the fearful look you had seen earlier on Kacchan's face.

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