🔸Sports Festival

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Entering the big area like stadium, you glanced around, slightly intimidated. That's right, today was the big day, and you felt nowhere near prepared, despite having trained and practiced your hardest. These last couple months had been a grind, and despite not getting a fourth scythe despite wishing for it, you were happy with Cobalt.

Both you and Izuku stood side by side, and you could see him nervously looking around, staring at the crowd. He seemed to be deeply considering something, and you gave him a little nudge on the shoulder.

"Hey, let's make a deal."

Giving you a confused look, his nervousness didn't seem to diminish. Instead, he looked even more nervous than anything, and he gave you a confused stare. "Uhm sure? W-what would it be about...?"

"Well you can't use your quirk at the start, considering you can hardly control it yet. What if I told you I won't use my quirk either! To make it fair."

This should make him less nervous-

However, it seemed to have the opposite effect, and sweating, he stared at you. "Y-you sure? What h-happens if you need it? Are you really g-going to risk it, and for what purpose-"

Ugh- should've known he'd overthink it.

"Too bad, I've made my decision, now stop sweating, we haven't even heard what we are doing yet."

Both of you then stayed quiet, staring at the front. Izuku kept nervously glancing around despite your attempt to reassure him earlier.

Listening to Midnight talk about the rules, you dazed off, not even trying to listen. You didn't even listen when Kacchan went up to speak, stating that he'd beat everyone and come in first place. At last, Midnight seemed to roll for what you'd be doing for your first exam.

Okay- now I'll focus.

Paying attention to what you'd be doing, Midnight didn't give you as much details over it as you liked, and you stared at the door that opened as the majority of the students headed there. With a bored expression on your face, you did the same, not interested at all.

A race? It's not that I'm a bad runner, but running is very... anticlimactic.

Still, you approached the door, being squished by almost everyone as you tried to force your way through. Eventually you did, being one of the first despite not really trying, and before you knew it, the ground had turned to ice.

Oop- well I'm a terrible skater.

Not summoning Cobalt and using it as a grapple hook like you could, you simply practiced on gliding, having a few close calls when it came to slipping. Still, you weren't as bad as you expected, and you were still zipping through compared to others.

Content with the progress, you cringed when noticing how Kacchan was quickly gaining on you, using his explosions to boost him ahead.

If only-

Jumping up, you reached for his foot despite knowing there was ice behind you. Grabbing his leg, you slipped, still having a stable grip as you felt yourself lurch forwards with his momentum. You were in the air for a brief second.


Both of you fell to the ground, and hearing his voice, you quickly stood up, sweatdropping. That had gone the exact opposite than you had hoped, and the blonde gave you a death glare from below, still laying down on the ice. He looked like an angry little Pomeranian, and with a giggle, you skated off, still adjusting to it.

Shoot- now I'm behind.

That however was the last of your worries as the blonde began to catch up to you, mumbling swears as he approached. "Wait till I catch you- you're dead meat!"

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