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Finally- yes I know, it's a timeskip to the start of the anime. You get a lot stronger btw, and there's a little cute moment between you and Bakugo.

Anyways- enjoy!



Raising your head slightly, you leaned back into your chair, a bored look plastered on your face as you stared at the teacher. The fact that you didn't like school was more than obvious, and despite getting good grades and being one of the best with your quirk, you simply hated how much time it wasted.

"Focus," the teacher stated, tapping his little stick on the board. "Anyways, I was supposed to prep you all for your future careers, but I'm pretty sure I know all of you want to be..."


The class all stood up, cheering as they used their quirks around the class, you stayed seated, closing your eyes as you tried to take another nap again. Honestly- what was the point in class if this is what you learned.

The subject of UA was brought up which caught your attention, both Kacchan and Izuku had mentioned it countless times, although you never had much interest in it. Your dad had brought it up a lot when you were younger, stating that he would've gotten in. It had been a whole big dilemma when you were younger, "You'll go to UA!" You father had told you everyday, as if he wanted to make you what he never was.

You would have no interest in whatever your father had planned for you.

"Don't put me down to their level," a voice spoke up from behind you. You turned your head to look at Kacchan who had his feet on his desk, looking smug. "You know I'm going to be the only one passing into UA."

Ew, his feet probably smell disgusting, can he put them down?

The class sulked, glaring daggers at him while the teacher looked down to his sheet. "Say, wasn't Midoriya interested in going to UA as well?"

Well yeah- no shit, he literally talks about it all day.

The whole class turned to the green haired boy who huddled into his seat, sweating. "It's not like that Kacchan-" he began, knowing that the blonde wouldn't be happy.

Unfortunately for him, you watched as your two best friends fought, the blonde haired boy blowing up the poor boys desk. He then stood up, walking towards him afterwards with a creepy grin on his face.

Before anything could happen, you craned your head back. "Oy Kacchan," You began, watching as the blondes attention spurred to you, narrowing his eyes. "If you're getting into UA, you should at least be able to beat me in combat." You didn't want the green haired boy to get hurt, so gaining the attention of the lancing blonde haired boy was one way to avoid it.

Funny enough, both you and Kacchan were almost evenly matched, the majority of the time, Kacchan won, but lately, you've been winning more battles, something perfect to use against him.

Just wait till I get a different scythe- I'll be beating his ass.

So far, you only had two scythes, one which you were still working on, and the first being the one you used since you were seven.

I really have grown.

The blonde haired boy took a few steps in your direction, kneeling down to the level of you sitting down. "Just cause you've been winning lately doesn't means you're stronger, I have to hold back with you-"

He has a point, he holds back, but so do I.

The two of you in general were careful with each other, after all, you'd hate to hurt him badly, and he had promised to protect you when you were younger.

Smirking, you booped his nose, grinning at his surprised expression. "Well I do too yknow- you can be really delicate sometimes Kacchan, remember the first time you challenged me to a fight?"

You were referring to the time you had shown your quirk to everyone, and him being the stupid eight year old he was, challenging you. You in the end had to hold back, fearful of hurting him.

This seemed to anger him, and a hand reached for the back of your uniform, ready to grab you up and leave you dangling. Lately, that was Kacchan's way of getting you to shut up, a way to flaunt his height, and leave you speechless.

That's right, in those few years, the boy had somehow began to grow even taller, while you on the other hand had barely grown at all. In a way that helped in your favour, being able to move with agility and catching your opponent off guard. Technically, the green haired boy was slightly taller than you too, but you liked to say you were both the same size.

But being short sucks...

The teacher cut you both off quick, growling something along the lines of, "Get back to work you two-" after all, you both often did cause trouble in class. Only on the days you felt up to it though, you both could be troublemakers half the time.

Laying your head on your desk, and napping for the rest of class, the teacher didn't even bother to point it out, continuing on his lesson.

By the end of class, you nearly sprinted out of the class, grabbing your books and rushing out. You just wanted to practice with your new scythe, even though you'd only learned it last year, everyday you made sure to practice with it. You had gotten good with a scythe, developing your own fighting style.

Despite your high endurance, you didn't really apply it much to your fighting style. Instead of staying grounded and steady, you were jumpy and spurratic. Doing flips or using your hands on the ground as much as your legs, you were in constant movement.

Instead of using your endurance to force the opponent into submission, you would use your endurance to support all your speed and overwhelm your opponent.

Doesn't work on Kacchan though...

With a frown, you walked through the school property, heading over to the park before you heard yelling. Stopping, you peered to the window that was making so much noise. Then a textbook hit your head.

Placing a hand to your head, a dark aura filled you, and with one hand you picked up the textbook. "Who..." you stared up at the window.

"Who hit me with this...?"

Your voice was deadly, and you felt like you were going to scale the building and hit the guy right back in the face, or whoever it was. After all, you had rushed out of class to avoid silly distractions like this.

Izuku's head popped out of the window, his eyes guilty as he waved his arms around. "G-gomen Y/n!"

I couldn't be mad at Izuku-

It was then that Kacchans head stuck out, a scowl on his face as he stared at you. "It was me, if you have a problem with it, come up here and fight me."

Well that's Kacchan- obsessed with fights and being the best as always.

You ignored him, walking off with the textbook as you peeked inside. You recognized Izuku's hero notes, and with a giggle you held it up. "Izuwu, I'll give it to you after okay?"

Kacchan probably threw it down.

You knew the two had a tense relationship, and despite having tried to fix it, you really couldn't do anything about it. Those two had to solve it out themselves.

Walking towards the park, you stopped, eyeing the busy city just around the corner. You didn't know why, but it just seemed like a better idea to head over there instead.

Eh, I'll grab a snack before training.

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