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After talking with Bryan and Tyler for hours (y/n's best friends) you felt arms around your waist and someone taking you immediately knew who it was. "Hey baby" "Hey Dom how was work" you said as he kissed your neck "Uhh work was..stressful" Dom said as you turned around and he picked you up and at you on the counter "I'm sorry!!" Dom leaned in and kissed you. Once he pulled away he went to change and Bryan looks upset "Bryan what's wrong!!" "Huh oh uhh nothing" he said as his eyes were tearing up "No your not B I've known you for years I know your not okay what's wrong!" "I-I lo-" Bryan was cut off as Dom
Came back down and kissed you "Wait Dom. Bryan what were you saying" "It doesn't matter anymore" he says as he walks to his room upset

Bryans POV

As I watch Dom kiss her my heart sank and I wish I could tell her how I felt without loosing her and pissing off Dom. B sat down against his door and started crying as he heard you laughing with Dom and he knew that could've been him if he told you before Dom came here. "I'm so stupid!! Why didn't I tell her before"

-2 years pass-

You and Dom have been okay lately he has been going out almost every night and coming back drunk. He'd always go out longer after a fight with you. After he saw Bryan looking at you he got all pissed off and started arguing with you about it


"Dom just stop he looked at me okay!! Just stop and calm down!!" "Really you want me to calm down" Dom said yelling at you "yes" You said scared. He came over to you and raised his hand and right before he could do anything Bryan walked in the room

Bryans POV

"Dom!! What the fuck is wrong with you she's your girlfriend and your about to fucking hit her!!" He pushed Dom off of you and blocked you from him as you started crying. "I don't care B stop!! This is because of you because she likes you!!" Dom said as he tried to push him out of the way but Bryan punched him "Listen from now on stay the fuck away from her I don't care what happens!!"


Dom gets up and starts waking towards the door. "Dom if you walk out now we're done for good!!" He stopped for a second before opening the door and leaving. Your heart sank and you collapsed into Bryans arms crying. You always had feelings for Bryan but you never told him and at that moment you wish you had listened to him when he said Dom was bad for you and gone with him instead of Dom

Bryan's POV

As I held her in my arms I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck and cried even more. I brought her too her room and laid her down. I started to walk out but she grabbed my hand "Please B stay!!" She said with tears streaming down her face "Okay" I climbed into bed with her and as soon as I laid down she cuddled up next to me.


"Bryan what did I do wrong. Why doesn't any boy like me. I'm stupid fat and ugly and I fuck every relationship I hav ever had up because I'm..well I'm me" I felt his hand on my face as he tuned me to look at him "That's not true stop it!! You're beautiful and so nice and any guy would be so lucky to have you y/n"
"Your only saying that because your my best friend B you love me as a friend nothing more!"

Bryans POV

I couldn't hold it back from her anymore...
"Y/n...I love you and more than a friend I have since 11th grade and I wanted to tell you before Dom came here but I didn't and I wish I did!!" As I looked over at her again I could see her eyes water and he smile "Bryan!" "Yeah..."
She leaned closer to me and we kept getting closer and closer until I kissed her which was soon interrupted by a VERY angry and drunk Dom who slammed the door open causing Y/n to jump and grab onto me scared he would try to hit her again...

Uhh I don't really know how I feel about this so far...

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