⚠️The truth about the past⚠️

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TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide, Rape and death.


I took a deep breath before I possibly change the way Bryan feels about me. "When he made me cut you off. He would let me go out still until he started to get jealous and he made me stay in the cabin. He was okay at first and didn't hurt me but as the weeks went on he started to get made that I didn't want to do anything with him and one day we got into a fight over it and...umm..." Bryan grabbed my hands "You don't have to tell me y/n I'm sorry I said anything about it" "No B I need someone to know I can't keep this all to myself anymore" I sighed but kept talking. "I told him I would never do anything sexual with him again because that's what he wanted to do but instead of leaving me alone like he usually did he grabbed me and started choking me and pushed me against the wall. He kept telling me not to scream and to stay still while he kept taking my clothes off. When he got off all of my clothes but my bra and underwear he dragged me to the bedroom and forced me pleasure him and I thought after that he would at least let me go but I was so wrong. He picked me up and pulled off my underwear he started going rough and just kept getting faster and harder and I remember laying on the bed not being able to move with tears running down my face. He did this at least twice a week and I got so used to it that when he came home after being out with his friends I would start taking my clothes off or he would hurt me even more. About 4 months passed and he kept doing it and eventually I got to see my sister and she didn't even know about it but I went to get a pregnancy test and when I took it it was positive and as soon as I saw it he came back to get me. He saw the test and took me back and asked what I did. I tried to tell him it wasn't my fault but he didn't care. We found out I was already 1 and a half months along. He took me back home and beat me until he felt like he did enough. I was in so much pain but I was more worried about what had happened to the baby and what would happen if it happened again. Needless to say he killed the baby. My mom found out what was going on and he tried to hurt her when I wasn't with him until I came back to the house and cops were there and all I saw was my mom in hand cuffs and him dead on the floor. My mom was found not guilty as it was self defense but after everything happened I was in a really bad place. About 3 months after he was killed I was going through my room at my moms and found the pregnancy test and it triggered something and that night I was taken to the hospital and I don't remember anything else expect being taken to a mental hospital after I was able to leave the hospital. When I started to regain consciousness I realized where I was and I was kept there for 5 months and I got better but when I was released I found out my mom had died. I was on my own for a while and that lead up to meeting Dom and you know how that went but now we're here"

I looked up and saw Bryan had tears in his eyes and I did too. He looked up at me and hugged me and I buried my face into his chest and cried for awhile. We sat there for a couple hours and Chris got worried and came to look for us but neither me or B realized it until he said something

Chris's POV

Y/n and Bryan have been gone for a while it's past 2 and Zach was worried to so I went I look for them.

15 minutes later

I found them up the hill and they were both crying and I didn't know what had happened. "Are you guys okay" y/n looked up at me and I immediately knew something happened "what happened" Bryan turned around and just said nothing and not to worry and went back to the house. I didn't ask any questions and they just went to their room and I went to bed.

Bryans POV

When we got back I felt so bad and I didn't know what to do but I knew what she usually did when she was stressed or upset and it was late at night other than sleeping which she said she didn't want to sleep yet. So I put he on the bed and went into the bathroom and started the bath and I put bubbles in it because that girl and her bubbles...omg 😂 but I filled it up and turned the lights down low and picked her up. She told me it was okay to take her clothes off and she got in and I grabbed the laptop and put on a movie and got her some wine and she just relaxed while I clean up the room and got her pajamas ready and just went on my phone. I promise myself to never let her go and never hurt her in anyway and I told her that too. I want to be the reason she feels like she belongs again and wants to do things and have fun. I want to be the reason she lives and gets to have the best times of her life now. She got out and go dressed and we just went to bed and cuddled. "Damn I got lucky with her! I love her so much" I thought to myself as I fell asleep.

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