Best day EVER

464 10 1

4 months later

I'm back in LA and Tristan was going to come to LA because of that thing he had but he couldn't and I felt really bad but whatever. Bryan was taking me on a date thought. I'm currently getting ready with Mel and Bryans getting ready with Chris.

Make up

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Make up

Make up

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And I curled my hair

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And I curled my hair

Apparently Chris had friends over and when I walked downstairs I head them say things.
??:Is she taken
?:If she looks this good now, how about in bed
???:Shes asking for it

That just pissed me off. "Actually I'm not asking for it. And yes I am taken and can you not say shit like that. Thanks" Bryan walked out then and saw I looked uncomfortable. "Hey babe, ready to go" he kissed me. "Mmm damn, you look GOOD" he smiled and kissed me again. "Okay, okay! Go! You're going to be late. Have fun and don't forget B!!" Chris yelled "wait forget what" I was so confused at that point. "Nothing!"

During dinner

The waiter kept flirting with me and honestly I was weirded out by it. After he would  walk away from our table he went to this table with teenage boys and kept looking at me. "Hey B I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom" "okay baby" I got up and went into the bathroom.

Bryan POV

After she left I noticed that one of the boys who kept looking at her got up and looked at me and smirked. He walked towards the bathroom. "Oh shit" I went to get up but 2 other boys came over to me and sat so I couldn't get over there. "Move! That's my girlfriend" "yeah we know" the one said "if you don't fucking move now you'll regret it!!" The didn't move so I punched them and that was just the beginning. I had time to get in there and I saw the boy had her pinned against the wall. She looked like she was about to pass out too. "Get the fuck away from her NOW" I pulled the guy back and pushed him out of the bathroom and locked the door. I ran over to y/n and she was crying. "Baby! Are you okay" "y-no! I knew them. All of them!" I was confused what she meant and she could tell. "They were his friends..."


"Y/n! Hello!! Y/N!!" Mel was shaking me. "Oh I'm sorry I just umm sorry" that wasn't real. I zoned out...I don't know why but I'm nervous but I know I'll have fun with him.

We were eating and just taking. Bryan started to talk about the future but one thing he said really caught my attention "after tonight is over I really hope you won't be my girlfriend anymore" I didn't know what he meant but it kinda hurt. "Oh...sorry. Um I think we should go and I can pack then leave so I won't be with you then. If that's what you really want and you'll be happy then that's all that matters. I want you to be happy and if it's with me great but if not it's whatever I want you to be happy. But I had fun and thank you. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you though" I looked up and he looked heartbroken. "W-what? That's not what I meant baby I'm sorry it sound like that! But that's not what I meant by that at all!!" He looked down"Then what did you mean" "y/n y/l/n, you have made me the better man that I am. These past couple years have been amazing with you. And our relationship was even stronger because of our friendship. We've been with each other for so long and I don't want to lose that ever! I can't imagine a day in my life without you, and if that happened I wouldn't be okay. I need you in my life! I don't want us to ever lose each other and I want to be there for you. I want to be with you when your sick, having fun, having our kids! I want to be there for it all!!" He got down on one knee. "So will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" I didn't know what to do I was so happy "I-YES! Yes a million times yes!!" He stood up, picked me up and spun me around and kissed me. He put the ring on and I realized it was the one I was talking about when we were in HIGH SCHOOL!! How did he remember that!

 He put the ring on and I realized it was the one I was talking about when we were in HIGH SCHOOL!! How did he remember that!

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Back at the house

"SO?" Chris yelled from the other room. "Well would you like to tell them....
Mrs. Williams?" "Why yes, yes I would! So does this answer your question Christopher?" You showed him the ring. "Omg!! Congrats" he hugged you "Bro what's wrong. Why are you telling" Tyler came running down "Hmm I don't know...Maybe because IM ENGAGED!!" Bryan yelled the last part and Zach and Mel came downstairs. "She said yes"
They all yelled. "Well duh!" I said and they all hugged us and congratulated us.

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