Period problems

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*next week*

Bryan went out with Chris, Tyler and Tristan today he knew I'd don't feel good because of my period and he kept trying to stay home but I wouldn't let him but now I kinda wish I did let him stay with me. My cramps are hurting so bad and nothing is helping. I was laying on the bed on my knees holding my stomach and crying because it hurt so bad. After 5 minutes it didn't get any better and Bryan FaceTimed me and as soon as I showed my face he knew I wasn't okay
B:Baby? Are you alright
Y:Yeah B I-I'll be okay
T:Is she okay B
Y:Yeah Tristan I'm okay
Ty:You don't look okay y/n what's wrong and do you want Bryan to come back
Y:Nothings wrong and no keep B there please....oww omg

I tried to curl into a ball even more but I couldn't and it just kept getting worse and I felt like I was dying.
B:I'm coming home now baby
Y:B no
B:Yes baby I'm not letting you sit at the house feeling like shit and crying I'll be home in 10 minutes

When he got home he came into the room and I heard the door close again and he turned the lights down so they weren't as bright. "Awe princess what's wrong" he came over and picked me up off of the floor (yes you moved to the floor😂) and put me on the bed "Bryan it hurts and it won't stop" "your cramps? Did you take any medicine or have you use the heating pad" "yes and I didn't help please just lay with me B" he took his shoes and hoodie off and gave it to me and got into the bed and wrapped his arm around me. I turned around so I was facing him and buried my face into his chest and he kept playing with my hair until I fell asleep.

Bryans POV

Once she was asleep I got up carefully and I went to target to get her some things. Once I got back to the house she was awake but still looked miserable. "Baby where did you go" she was pouting and I felt bad because I left her "I got things for you" she sat up and I handed her the bag and inside was just some candy, her drinks she likes, movies and I got her a teddy bear because why not. "Thank you Bryan I love you" she kissed me and I hugged her again. We watched a movie and I could tell she as feeling a little better....actually a lot better. And I know this because Chris came I got he room and said something that pissed her off and she got up and hit him and he threw a pillow at him so basically they had a pillow fight. Damn I love this girl 🥰
As she was about to hit Chris again I went up behind her and grabbed her and pulled her back as I fell onto the bed "BRYAN!!! Why did you do that I was trying to hit Chris!" Oh no what did I just do "Sorry baby" "hah I win again y/n" we both looked at Chris then each other and I let go of her and Chris ran out of the room "CHRISTOPHER JOHN WILLIAMS!! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!!!" Yea this went on to at least an hour until Chris gave up. And then she fell asleep so fast and I thought it was cute.

When she woke up the next day it was 1:30 and we just laid around until she literally jumped on me "ouch" she stared laughing at me and still jumping on me "okay baby stop jumping!!" "Sorry but can we make cookies please!!!!!" Lord Jesus what is wrong with this girl 😂 I picked her up and we went into the kitchen.

Bryan sat on the counter while you started to make the cookie dough and just kept laughing at you. He got up and threw flour on you and you did the same to him and made a huge mess. After you put the cookies in the oven you were hot so you took of the hoodie you had on and went and stood between Bryans legs (he was still on the counter). He kissed your forehead and hugged you until you went to put your hair up and you didn't have a hair tie but Bryan always had one on his wrist for that reason so he turned you around so your back was to him and put your hair in a messy bun and started kissing your neck. "Thank you B"

The timer went off for the cookies and when you weren't looking he grabbed 3 and when he ate one he regretted it because he burned his mouth.
"Dumb ass!" You started to laugh while he was pouting "It's not funny it hurt. Fine no kisses then if my mouth hurts" you instantly stopped laughing at him and got water "I'm sorry" he hugged you and after the cookies were cooled down you for some for you and Bryan and watched Greys Anatomy.

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